Compensation to Macchiarini patient

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The operation took place in May 2011 at Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge. Paolo Macchiarini removed a few centimeters of the trachea and a previously inserted tracheostomy on the then 65-year-old man.

The patient had been told that the operation would be routine and not fraught with risk. But the procedure led to permanent pain and changes in appearance. For that, patient compensation has been paid, which also includes burning and pain.

In addition, the man has requested voluntary damages with the support of the European Convention. According to the Svea Court of Appeal, the patient was subjected to a complicated surgical procedure with serious consequences without his consent to the procedure.

Region Stockholm, on the contrary, considers that there was consent.

The district court followed the Stockholm Region’s line, but now the Svea Court of Appeal has changed the verdict in the man’s favor.

Thus, Region Stockholm, through Karolinska University Hospital, will pay him a non-profit compensation of SEK 75,000. The region must also bear the legal costs in the courts, a total of just over SEK 626,000.
