Comoros maintains its refusal to welcome expelled migrants

Comoros maintains its refusal to welcome expelled migrants

In Mayotte, uncertainty remains on April 24, as slum destruction is imminent. During a press conference, the prefect of Mayotte returned to the “Wuambushu” operation which is starting on the island. But at the same time, the Comoros turned back a boat coming from the island of perfumes and reaffirmed its refusal to welcome the migrants expelled from Mayotte.

With our special correspondent in Mayotte, Roman Phillips

During the next few weeks, the French authorities promise ” a rise in power ” of Operation “Wuambushu” in Mayotte. ” The objective is the eradication of unsanitary housing and slums on the island “, said the prefect Monday, April 24 in a parking lot in Tsoundzou, while clashes were still in progress a few hundred meters away.

But while France wants to return to the Comoros foreigners in an irregular situation that it will have challenged, the Comoros, they reaffirmed their refusal. They turned away a ship with several migrants on board on Monday.

Spokesperson for the Moroni government: “The Comoros are not ready to welcome those expelled from Mayotte”

Despite diplomatic differences, France persists. ” We will not stop operations “, hammered the prefect. And according to several reports, after a day spent on the side of the roads carrying out checks, the police could start demolitions on Tuesday. The operation would begin with the destruction of the slum of Talus 2, in the north of the island. Here, more than 80 families are subject to eviction proceedings and many others have already fled.
