Comolake, Zoccoli (INFN): AI, quantum computing and super computing, Italy is in line with the times

Comolake Zoccoli INFN AI quantum computing and super computing Italy

(Finance) – “Super calculation, super computing. This is a central theme in modern society: we are in the midst of an era change in which the way we see the world changes and data and artificial intelligence are the paradigm of this change. We can imagine data as a new raw material and artificial intelligence as the means to exploit the value that exists in this raw material.” As Anthony Hoovespresident of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, interviewed by Finance at Comolake 2024.

“THE’Italy she is doing very well in this challenge – underlined Zoccoli –. We are aligned with the times, for once. We inaugurated Cineca’s Leonardo super computer in 2022, which was the fourth in the world at the time. We are working with the PNRR to strengthen the wholenational computing infrastructureCineca, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and other universities and research bodies. We are financing through the PNRR the training of young people and scientists who develop codes with which to exploit these supercomputers, with which to develop artificial intelligence algorithms and make the skills that universities and research bodies have available to companies”.

“Because – he added – another of the fundamental challenges is to involve the system productive and make the most of this opportunity that exists because many companies can have interesting ideas, they can improve their processes a lot, but they need both computing resources, and we have those, and the skills of people who know how to write the algorithms and know how to extract value from the data that is produced”.
