Baldur’s Gate 3 always delights its players with funny moments and the sayings of the NPCs and companions. The credits, in particular, suggest where this humor comes from.
Admittedly, the credits of Baldur’s Gate 3 are quite long at over 30 minutes. Nevertheless, you usually let this go through in order to get the game to the end and not miss any scenes at the end, no matter how well hidden.
At the same time, you can, for example, look on Steam to see which game you could play next, cook something or clean up your apartment. Some users on Reddit have discovered why you should take the extra 30 minutes of Baldur’s Gate 3 to actually look at the credits.
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What was discovered in the credits? On Reddit, some players shared funny bits from the role-playing game’s credits. More precisely from the team’s acknowledgments.
A user shared a screenshot in his post with a thank you circled in red, which he probably wanted to highlight. “This guy is too real,” he wrote in a comment.
This developer’s acknowledgment reads: “Thanks Mom for making me ignore school and skip sleep to play video games. Thanks Kellie for wanting a guy who just wants to play video games, blame the upstairs. Thank you Dad for disappearing early enough in my life so I could get away with it.”
“I almost died laughing when I read that,” one user reacts to exactly this excerpt.
Under his contribution, the players then celebrate a few more thanks that they discovered in the credits. A user realizes that, as far as he can remember, these are the first credits that he didn’t want to skip.
“Salute to the one guy who thanked his all-consuming coffee addiction,” one user wrote in his comment. To which another user simply says that sometimes you have to be honest and admit that you owe something to your addiction.
Developer especially thanked himself
Another developer particularly thanked himself for making the game. Another wrote: “[Anmerkung der Red.: Ich danke] To myself for being great,” as another screenshot on Reddit shows. This reveals the personal message of another developer: “Hey Mathias, a little better than a cow this time, don’t you think?”
In his comment under the post embedded above, a user also noticed how many pets were thanked in the credits. And he thinks that his cat could learn a lesson from this because it wouldn’t help with productivity at all.
Have you looked at the credits for Baldur’s Gate 3 and found any funny credits? If so, feel free to share it with us in the comments. In addition to quite a few funny scenes, there are also some in Baldur’s Gate 3 that even made some developers uncomfortable: Baldur’s Gate 3 is only for adults and really raunchy – boss says: Even developers were uncomfortable with it