communication battle in Nicaragua on the fate of political prisoners

communication battle in Nicaragua on the fate of political prisoners

On Monday, the families of political prisoners were still denouncing, in a press release spouse, the mistreatment of their relatives in prison in Nicaragua, including food rationing. The following day, the executive for the first time since their incarceration published photos of ten prisoners of conscience, taken during ” informative audiences – a term that does not appear in any law, according to the opposition media Confidential. The photos were first published on the front page of the media close to the government, the only guests at the press conference.

El19 calls these men terrorists, putschists and traitors to the fatherland in one of its website, and judge them above all… in perfect health “. Confidential points out, however, that the prisoners are ” thinner and paler “. It is above all the face of Medardo Mairena that shocks 100% Noticias. The media highlights the great weight loss of the former presidential candidate and even publishes, as proof, a before after. On these ten photos appear ten men, note also La Prensa. Where are the six political prisoners held in the same establishment?

Haiti : will justice follow up on the reports of the ULCC ?

We mentioned Tuesday, in the newspaper of Haiti and the Americas, these explosive reports from the Anti-Corruption Unit (ULCC) in Haiti which demonstrate the mismanagement of public funds. ” Often accused of doing nothing, the ULCC surprised the country “, writing Le Nouvellisyouwho wonders if justice can also surprise us by following up on these reports “. ” Do not all the problems that rot the daily life of the Haitian population find their roots in impunity? ? “adds the Haitian daily.

The prosecution maintained Tuesday, during a press conference, that justice would do its job. The government commissioner pointed out that “ all the files had been referred to the cabinet d’instruction “. All, maybe not! This same commissioner supports, for example, ” that there is no matter to prosecute yet ” the former director general of the National Police, Léon Charles, yet pinned in the report of the ULCC.

Fuel “ lost » on the road to service stations…

Another question asked by Le Nouvelliste this Wednesday: why are gas stations not delivering fuel? The problem is raised by the presidents of the two associations of distributors of petroleum products, for whom Haitians should not encounter such difficulties in obtaining supplies. They explain that the terminals received 63% of the barrels needed in the country. Yet gas stations only received between 15 and 20 percent of the usual monthly volume. In short, a large part of the cargo does not arrive safely, despite the traceability efforts put in place – truck exit sheet, plate number – transmitted by customs to various ministries. ” Many actors (…) enrich themselves in the informal trade of petroleum products “, confided a government source to the news writer. ” Law enforcement officials face threats from these quick-win individuals, to the detriment of the entire community “.

Ecuador : registration of Venezuelans begins this Thursday

From tomorrow Thursday, Venezuelans present in Ecuador will have to register to regularize their situation. Ecuador is the third country to have received the most migrants from this country: half a million people, out of the 6.8 million who have left their country of origin since February 2018, notes The Hora. Early June, reminds The Universe, President Lasso had decreed a migration amnesty and promised a process of regularization for those who entered Ecuador on a regular basis. It is therefore the latter who will be able to claim, initially, an exceptional temporary residence visa. Starting this Thursday, they can register online, free of charge, or at offices set up by the Ministry of Interior throughout the country, to receive a registration certificate. The actual regularization process will begin on 1er October and the first identity cards will be issued a month later.
