Common Swedish-Norwegian Police Station takes shape at the border

“Great need to fight crime across the border” • Will be inaugurated in May

Sweden and Norway’s joint police station are now erected, right on the border between the two countries. The police hope that unique cooperation will intensify the fight against cross -border crime.
“This can be as good as any,” says Joakim Kristiansen, Swedish group manager for the new police station.

After several years of preparation, the building is now completed, with the left ceiling half in Värmland Eda municipality and right in Eidskog municipality in the county county in Norway. The house is mirrored with identical spaces and entrances on both sides, and an open community space in the middle. Now the shell will be filled with equipment and technology before the station opens its doors towards the summer.

– It is very good that we gather in the same place. It will be easier to share information and work efficiently, says Ola Flisnes, Norwegian head of the new police station.

Obstacles left to resolve

But despite enthusiasm from both sides, there are still obstacles to solve. When TV4 News visits the station, a few kilometers outside Charlottenberg, the police are not yet allowed to work on the other side of the border. A bilateral agreement that is to make this possible is during work, but it may be delayed.

For example, the armament issue is under preparation in the highest place in Norway. For with special permits, Norwegian patrols can already work on Swedish soil today, while the reverse is impossible, in addition to emergency efforts as a car chase.

– Norwegian police are not armed and we are, which means that we are not allowed to work in Norway. It is very worrying and it has to be solved, says Joakim Kristiansen.

– Yes it is important to get to these agreements so we can work on each other’s side, emphasizes Norwegian group manager Ola Flisnes.

Looking forward to increased cooperation

The Norwegian group manager also emphasizes the importance of deepening the collaboration.

– There is a great need to fight the crime across the border, so it is very good that we get a common station that allows us to work denser, says Ola Flisnes.

The plan is for the station to be inaugurated in May, and both parties look forward to strengthening law enforcement at the border.

– There are many criminals over the border, so I long for a lot for the station to be completed, says Joakim Kristiansen.
