Common questions at checkout disappear

Common questions at checkout disappear

As early as July 1, 2024, the requirement that receipts should always be saved for possible bookkeeping or reporting was abolished. The law entered into force at the same time as, among other things, parental insurance was changed and the requirement that plastic caps must be attached to the packaging was enforced.

– This is high time to adapt these rules to digital developments, said the Minister of Justice Gunnar Strommer (M), in a press release from the government in connection with the implementation of the law.

READ MORE: New law for receipts comes into effect today – they are affected

The Swedish Tax Agency abolishes the requirement for a paper receipt for the customer

After the implementation of the law, the Swedish Tax Agency has asked itself whether paper receipts are necessary for customers.

The authority has previously considered that the person responsible for the cash register must always offer the customer a paper receipt, in the event that the customer accepts.

Now the Swedish Tax Agency has come to the conclusion that the person sitting at the till can decide for himself whether a paper receipt should be offered to the customer or not, something that Today’s Law was the first to report on.

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Digital receipts may be offered – may become the only option

This means that the question “Do you want the receipt?” may disappear the next time you shop, depending on the staff behind the cash register. However, you still have to offer the customer a receipt, but the requirement that it be in paper is abolished. Now the person at the cash register can instead choose to only offer a digital receipt.

“The trader is obliged to produce a receipt and offer it to the customer with each sale. That obligation is fulfilled regardless of whether the customer is offered a paper receipt or an electronic receipt,” the Tax Agency writes on its website.

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But what if the customer does not want or simply cannot receive a receipt digitally, and if this is the only way to receive the receipt? It doesn’t matter, says the Swedish Tax Agency.

“It is the Tax Agency’s assessment that it is of no importance in what form the customer wishes to receive their receipt or in what form the customer can receive a receipt for the trader to be considered to have fulfilled the requirement in the Tax Procedures Act”, they write in the press release “Paper receipt no longer required”.

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