Common products contain toxins

Common products contain toxins

It is researchers at the University of Berkeley in the United States who analyzed the contents of 30 tampons from 14 different brands from the EU, Great Britain and the United States, reports SVT.

The analyzes show that all contain potentially toxic metals such as arsenic, lead and cadmium. This also applied to tampons marketed as organic.

The organic also contained higher levels of arsenic than the others.

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Unclear health risks

It is not clear whether the metals detected in the tampons cause any negative health effects in the women who use them.

— Now we have to investigate how much of the metals from the tampons the body can absorb. Especially when tampons are used in a sensitive body part that can easily absorb what it is exposed to, says Kathrin Schillingone of the researchers behind the study, to SVT.

SVT has been in contact with the Chemicals Inspectorate, which states that they currently do not plan to carry out an inspection because there are no rules, so there are no limit values ​​to compare with.


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