Common misunderstandings – signs that you have fungus

Common misunderstandings signs that you have fungus

Like other ailments and infections, the risk of getting fungus increases during the summer. This is because the parasite loves moisture and grows more in heat.

During Tuesday’s morning news programme, the doctor was a guest Tracy Ghatta’s and enlighten the viewers on how to recognize a fungal infection and what to do to avoid getting it.

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Photo: Screenshot TV4 Common mistakes

According to Dr. Tracy Ghattas, fungal infections are most often caused if you have been very humid, taken antibiotics, or have a weakened immune system. The fungus often appears on the face as red rashes on the forehead, cheeks or around the mouth and can resemble eczema.

But there is a common misunderstanding:

“Sometimes it flakes on people’s eyebrows, it’s usually dandruff, it’s rarely because you’re dry,” she says in News morning.

Dry scalp and flaky eyebrows are thus often caused by fungal infection.

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How to avoid fungus – three tips

In order not to get fungus, it is about avoiding moisture on the body as best as possible, which can be difficult during the summer. But here are three tips Dr. Tracy Ghattas shares:

  • Wear airy clothes that breathe
  • Change wet or sweaty clothes and shoes as often as you can
  • Avoid rubbing against someone who has fungus

    Then the Nyhetsmorgon profile as presenter ends

    SMHI’s warning: Heavy rain is expected here
