Comet 2022: how and at what time to observe the passage of K2 near the Earth?

Comet 2022 how and at what time to observe the

COMET. This Thursday, July 14, 2022, comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS), whose trajectory is close to our Earth, is visible using a telescope. Know everything about the time of its observation.

[Mis à jour le 14 juillet 2022 à 19h22] This Thursday, July 14, comet C/2017 K2, coming from the Oort cloud, will pass as close as possible to Earth. Due to its low magnitude, comet C/2017 K2 will however not be visible to the naked eye, but it will be possible to observe it at 8:15 p.m. (Paris time) on the site of the Virtual Telescope Project 2.0 which broadcasts the images of its passage live.

You will be able to observe the images of his hair called coma. It is a trail of gas resulting from the evaporation of part of the ice from its core (18 kilometers wide) as it approaches the Sun. Throughout the summer, the comet will continue its trajectory towards the Sun.

The celestial star was first observed in May 2017 between the planets Saturn and Uranus, 2.4 billion kilometers from the Sun. This Thursday, July 14, 2022, it will pass about 270 million kilometers from Earth, a distance far too far to be visible to the naked eye, due to its low magnitude, around 8. Coming from the distant cloud of Oort, comet C/2017 K2 continues its invisible route through the solar system for billions of years.

What is the next visible comet in 2023?

Comets are difficult to anticipate, their passage is calculated only a few months in advance and it is very difficult to predict their visibility, which depends on many factors. The next comet that could potentially be visible in the sky is 39P Oterma, its passage near Earth being scheduled for May 13, 2023. This same year 2023, comet 103P Hartley could also pass Earth on May 13, 2023. October 2023.

When did Halley’s Comet pass?

The most famous comet of all is undoubtedly Halley’s Comet. Discovered in 1758, this comet had already been observed several times in the past without being identified. The observers had thought they were witnessing the passage of a different comet each time.

This comet made new more or less spectacular passages on several occasions after this date, in 1835, 1910 and 1986. Very regular, it makes a passage every 76 years, the next one is therefore scheduled for 2061.

Where is Comet Leonard?

Discovered in January 2021 by Greg J. Leonard, the astronomer and geologist who gave it its name, comet Leonard passed closest to Earth on January 3, 2022, giving rise to a series of exceptional shots. It then began to move away from our planet, returning to the outer reaches of the solar system. In February 2022, it seems to have partially disintegrated, thus losing its nucleus and its hair as indicated by the site earthsky.

When did Comet Neowise pass?

Star comet of the year 2020, comet Neowise or C/2020 F3 fascinated astronomy enthusiasts during the month of July that year. His publicized passage gave rise to many images like this snapshot shared by NASA. The photo was taken by the Parker solar probe and highlights the hair and the double tail of the comet.

Photographed from every angle by observers around the world, the comet finally resumed its journey towards the Oort cloud. This immense cloud composed of small icy bodies located after Neptune is a veritable reservoir of comets that surrounds the solar system. If Neowise fascinated you, you will have to be patient to see it again, since it should come back in 6,800 years!

How big is comet Tchouri?

Comet 67P/Tchouryumov-Gerasimenko, better known as Tchouri is a comet discovered in 1969 in kyiv. This amazingly shaped comet is about 4 km long. But despite its imposing size, it could float! Indeed it is as dense as cork. During its various passages close to the Sun, the ice that makes up the soil of the comet sublimates and reshapes the general shape of the latter. There are thus cliffs, plains or faults as the magazine report Science and Future.

Tchouri has the distinction of having been carefully studied by researchers thanks to the Rosetta probe and its Philae robot. The latter landed on the surface of the comet in November 2014 after a journey of more than 10 years aboard the Rosetta probe.

Equipped with numerous measuring devices such as a soil drilling instrument and several tools for analyzing the samples thus taken, the Philae robot transmitted via Rosetta valuable information on the composition of the comet until the month of July 2015 where the last contact took place. Tchouri returned to visit us in November 2021 before moving away for good. This time, a great journey awaits her since she should not return before 2214.

Did a comet kill the dinosaurs?

66 million years ago, when the Earth was populated by dinosaurs, an asteroid fragment fell on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. The impact of this object caused the disappearance of 75% of life on the planet and the extinction of the dinosaurs.

But a new theory came to light in February 2021 when two researchers published a study in the journal Scientific Report shedding new light on this event. According to them, the object that hit the Earth could be a fragment of a comet that would have approached too close to the Sun and would have been broken by the gravitational forces of the latter. This collision would have formed the famous crater of Chicxulub and would have led to a tsunami as well as a series of events which proved destructive for many forms of life reports the magazine Science and Future.

Depending on the brightness of the comet, it may be possible to observe it with the naked eye without difficulty. This was particularly the case for the particularly bright comet Neowise in July 2020. However, it is advisable to equip yourself with astronomy binoculars or a spotting scope to take advantage of the event.

You can also photograph a comet when it is visible to the naked eye with a simple camera with manual settings. You will be using a wide angle lens using fairly long exposures like 20 seconds and ISO 1600 (minimum 800). Attention, if the light pollution is important, it is advisable to lower the ISO. Think of composition, placing the comet above a building or a tree, or between two mountains. If you don’t have a tripod, use a self-timer to prevent the photo from being blurry when taken.

What is a comet?

A comet is a celestial body made up of frozen gases, rocks and dust that originated from the formation of the solar system. These are real cosmic snowballs. So when this type of object passes close to the Sun, the latter heats the comet and melts the material. The comet then begins spitting out dust and gas in a gigantic glowing form, far larger than most planets. The size of a comet can vary from a few kilometers to tens of kilometers wide, when it orbits closest to the Sun. When its substances flow, they form a spectacular cloud of gas and dust that trails behind it for millions of miles and that’s when it can be seen from Earth with the naked eye. .

Two tails form behind the comet. The first is made up of dust and is directly linked to the movement of the object. It is the most spectacular because it can measure several million kilometres. The second is made up of gas and is called the ionized tail.

What is the composition of a comet?

Comets are formed from materials left over from the formation of the solar system. These objects are therefore witnesses to the formation of the solar system. “This material has not evolved, it has been kept intact, as if it had been placed in the freezer, and it is therefore the witness of these first moments.” said the astrophysicist Françis Rocart, head of the Rosetta program in an article in the World in 2014.

A comet’s nucleus is made up of frozen gases in the form of ice, rocks, and rock dust. Studies of Comet Tchouri indicate that it is also covered in carbon and have also spotted many organic molecules that had never been identified elsewhere than on Earth. Thus, it could be that the elements which allowed the appearance of the life on our planet come from space and were brought by an intensive bombardment of 4 billion years ago. To find out more, we would have to study the composition of many other comets…

What is the biggest comet?

Today, the largest comet observed is comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein. It was discovered in 2014 and attracted the attention of astronomers in December 2021. They then discovered its extraordinary dimensions: 137 km in diameter. It therefore ranks first in the lists of the largest known comets, ahead of comet C/2002 VQ94 (LINEAR). It is the Hubble telescope, which made it possible to obtain this information thanks to pictures taken last January.

What is the difference between a meteorite and a comet?

A comet is a celestial object orbiting a star. Its core is made up of ice and dust. When it approaches the Sun, part of its components change from solid to gaseous form, forming a luminous trail over millions of kilometers behind the core. A meteorite, on the other hand, is a body made up of rocks and metal which, after passing through the Earth’s atmosphere, ends up on the ground. Meteorites and comets therefore do not have the same composition and do not have the same history.

What is the difference between a comet and an asteroid?

Asteroids are rocky or metallic bodies that orbit the Sun. Today, the two asteroid-rich areas of the solar system, the Main Asteroid Belt and the Kuiper Belt, are thought to be the result of a planet not forming. In this zone remain the rocky bodies which could have aggregated and formed a planet at the time when the other planets took shape. Asteroids are therefore embryos of planets which have not continued their process of accretion.

Comets, on the other hand, are frozen bodies composed of gas in the form of ice and dust from the formation of the solar system. These bodies are generally stored in a cloud of comets, the Oort cloud which is located at the edge of the solar system. Comets become visible and assume their recognizable shape as they approach the Sun and the ice in their cores passes into gaseous form, creating a characteristic long tail.

Where do comets come from?

The generally accepted theory on the origin of comets is that they come from the Oort cloud. This cloud is a sphere that encompasses the solar system and would be composed of a multitude of small icy bodies. It is therefore a real comet reservoir. It happens that the trajectory of one of these bodies is deviated because of the attraction of a nearby planet. The comet can thus take an orbit which takes it as close as possible to the Sun, it then risks being dislocated. Some comets only come close once before moving away forever. Others adopt a very elliptical orbit which regularly brings them close to the Sun and therefore makes them potentially visible from Earth.
