Comedian Peter Wahlbeck: “Will sit in the Riksdag this autumn”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

There are more parties taking part in this year’s elections compared to the 2018 election. 100 parties are registered for the parliamentary elections, 122 parties are registered for the regional council elections and 321 parties are registered for the municipal council elections, according to figures from the Swedish Electoral Authority.

Some of these parties are the Evil Chicken Party and the Corn Party. Another is MOD, which will stand for human rights and democracy. The party was founded at the end of last year to take a stand against the government’s corona strategy and is against vaccine passports.

– I will become a Member of Parliament in the autumn – of course, says the comedian Peter Wahlbeck

In the player above, the comedian tells more about what he wants to achieve in politics.
