“Come home a little saying when not really hit”

Come home a little saying when not really hit

TPS played back against the wall in the sixth final of the floorball F League. The Turku players overthrew the reigning champion in overtime and postponed the decision to the seventh match.

Anu Karttunen,

Matias Strozyk

20.4. 22: 02 • Updated April 20th. 22:03

TPS stretched the floorball women’s championship battle as it defeated the reigning champion after an extra time of PSS 4–3. Four wins are needed for the Finnish championship, so this will only be decided in the seventh game.

He became the great hero of the home team Meri-Helmi Höynälä, who scored two goals. With his first goal, Höynälä took TPS to extra time and in the extra time he finished the winning match of the match.

PSS Inka Lampinen was penalized immediately in the first minute of overtime, and TPS managed to spin his superior roulette. After a long tussle with the defender, Höynälä finally tucked the ball home.

– There has been a little saying at home when it hasn’t hit right. Now, when it really mattered, put the ball in the goal, a satisfied scorer told Sport.

The final battles of TPS and PSS have been tight twists and turns, and in this sixth game, the game was rippling from end to end. The home team was in the lead on a couple of occasions, but the experienced Porvoo team always managed to get on the side and in the second round. Ella Sundström even with a penalty shot. However, Höynälä managed to level off with force majeure and during the transferred sentence.

– Maybe TPS wanted to win a little more than we did. We had absolutely insane places in the second installment, but we didn’t get in, and then it happened, Sundström said.

Atmosphere on the roof in the finals

The seventh match will be played next Saturday in Porvoo, where quite a bit of floorball has been experienced recently. Sundström hopes that PSS will once again get extra strength from the home audience.

– The audience is like the sixth field player for us. It seems that we would have superiority then. On Saturday, we’ll put everything in the league, take over the support of the home crowd and then set off in search of gold, he said, believing that the seventh match will see an accurate defense again.

– I think at least there is no paint rejoicing. Whichever gets better in the game wins. I hope it’s us.

Turku’s Kupittaa also had enough encouragement in the match, and Höynälä thinks it’s great that the audience has found them back in the stands after a long time, especially when the matches were played in empty stands last spring.

In the final of the Finnish Cup, TPS suffered a bitter overtime loss to PSS, so the people of Turku have a lot of hunger for the championship fight. According to Meri-Helmi Höynälä, players do not need to recharge for the seventh final, but can find it all by themselves.

– Both have had their own moments in all the games and now both have used their own moments. In the seventh game, everyone is sure to give their all. Just the same way that game ends, because we can be happy as long as we do our best.
