Colorado is also a masterpiece of club management – Lehkonen’s best demonstration of the game eye of club management

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The Colorado club management practically succeeded in their acquisitions of the transfer line. The successful acquisitions of the button have been the final touch for the dynasty under construction, writes Tommi Seppälä of Tampa, NH Sport’s journalist.

NHL transfer limits are often disappointing. A huge amount of media intoxication and tension is built around them, but often large and successful tissues are left in the barrel. On the other hand, even if big sledges are ever seen, significant moves have rarely been made in terms of team success.

Reigning double champion Tampa is one of the teams that has managed to make successful moves at the back line in recent years.

And in the case of Tampa, too, it has not been the big sledges mentioned earlier, but rather the carefully considered pieces of depth that bring special skills that are important to the team to win. There is no use for the “Juniors” YouTube hits when the search bar is looking for players who are specifically trusted for the big boys’ spring shots.

Earlier in the winter, there was no Colorado after the air strikes, which already had a tough team before the transfer limit.

Colorado-GM Joe Sakic was winning the Stanley Cup in Colorado in 1996 and 2001, so he knew which strings were worth the water. Coloradon didn’t have to run in the market to catch up with the scorers, but was meant to deepen player material for players who play the game right in a relentlessly tough playoff world.

Right now, the moves made by Sakic are pretty easy to praise.

Lehkonen the best of the season

Artturi Lehkonen is the best acquisition of the NHL season so far. As a fast-footed player, Lehkonen, a tenacious, hard-working and sharp-headed player, quickly adapted to the team playing the fastest game in the league and has brought clear added value to the group from day one.

Lehkonen’s greatest strength is related to work ethic and conscientiousness. Lehkonen is not in the trough looking for spectacular solo hits, but doing things that will help the team win. It is certain that Sakic, the coaching team and the team are totally fascinated by the level of making a TPS breeder.

And there is nothing new here, as Lehkonen has been playing like this for a long time. However, even in a good team, individuals stand out differently.

Sakic brought in Anaheim for defense Josh Mansonin, which is profiled as a hard bone. The Yankee pack, which contracted an average of 17 minutes in the playoffs, has brought the expected hardness to the Avs.

From San Jose, Sakic grabbed the 35-year-old Andrew Coglianon, so this is not a particularly attractive choice either. The Toronto-born foot pier has played more than a hundred playoffs in his career, and that’s why Colorado wanted this. Once again, a player who knows how to win in the NHL playoffs was sought behind the toughest players.

The last acquisition was Nico Sturm27, from Minnesota.

Lehkonen, Manson and Cogliano are not leading the star category players in the NHL, but they have brought tremendous added value to the Colorado spring. Everyone fits in well with the fast-paced way of playing, and everyone in the trio approaches the game first and foremost from the point of view of protecting their own goal – only when the defensive obligations have been fulfilled will the eye turn to scoring a goal.

Nevertheless – or probably for that very reason – the trio has also emerged sensationally in power statistics.

Lehkonen has scored seven playoff goals, including one who sent to the final in Colorado during the extra time of the fourth conference final. Cogliano has already scored two winning goals, one in the Nashville and one in the Edmonton series. Manson hit an overtime hit against St. Louis and also hit Sunday’s second Stanley Cup final.

Sturmkin was also settling one match when he started in the Nashville series Cale Makarin strike an extra time goal.

So Sakic hit the bull’s eye in his trades. Colorado is a significantly deeper and higher quality team since the last deals.

Of course, the winning CEO has been making ingenious player deals for a long time.

For example, it’s hard to understand how Sakic cheated Devon Toewsin From the New York Islanders with two second-round bookings. Toews is the NHL’s best left-handed down defender and one of the top players on today’s team. Player stores where this acquired Nazem Kadrin From Toronto and Samuel Girardin From Nashville, were also successful.

Fat wallet

On the other hand, Sakic has constantly strengthened its foundations. Won the Stanley Cup in Detroit Darren Helm, 35, plays a fantastic bottom-chain game in Colorado with a contract of a million. Helm is an excellent starter and a great icebreaker. Again, we’re talking about immeasurably important winning things, ones that don’t show up in power stats.

Colorado is known for its star players Nathan MacKinnonCale Makarista as well About Mikko Rantan and with these, the team still rises and falls in the big picture, but at the same time, the most charming thing about the team is the depth of the players and how the team has been built by the club management.

There are huge amounts of skill in Colorado, but at the same time, players are being brought in who don’t collect big titles but help a team win from one night to the next through small things.

Colorado is once again a great reminder that the NHL is not a league for young men, although it is often sold as such. The boys play on the gloomy evenings of autumn, but when spring comes, Raimo Summasen there is no more room for a selfish business name hockey to be launched – then experience and maturity rise to the value of the unpredictable, ie the ability to play the game correctly.

On top of all that, the Colorado team is ridiculously cheap in terms of quality. Sure, it’s running out of a few important contracts, but equally, it has more than $ 26 million available for the summer, according to the CapFriendly website.

There is also quite a masterpiece in terms of club leadership.
