College sport is reactivated

College sport is reactivated

Every year, thousands of young people from all over Spain land in Madrid to continue their studies. Many choose a college to start, finding in these institutions a close environment. To achieve this, sport is one of the main assets that these schools have.

Unknown to many, the competitions between these institutions mean a lot to their students, and there are rivalries worthy of sport at the highest level. The Association of Residence Halls of Madrid is the organization that coordinates and launches the annual competitions, both in the male and female categories, from a wide range of sports. The pandemic forced a stop, but these tournaments are already back on track, and they are played on these decisive and tension-laden elimination dates.

One of the halls of residence with the most tradition and sporting success in recent years is the Jaime del Amo, installed in the heart of Ciudad Universitaria. “Sport is very important to us. The school seeks to have good coexistence between schoolboys. The tool that favors him the most is sport”tells AS Juan Martín de Vidales, a student at this institution and head of the sports area.

The catalog of sports in which to participate is extensive, ensuring that everyone who wants to is involved. “We compete in futsal, basketball, volleyball, handball, tennis, soccer, rugby and chess”says John. This very week, Jaime del Amo has played several qualifiers, and in futsal and handball they are already at the gates of the final.

To achieve these good results, the schoolboys breathe a sports culture from their arrival in Madrid. “In September we carry out integration activities related to sports, and there are level tests in which the teams are configured. We try to have at least two teams per sport. Afterwards, he trains twice a week. Anyone who wants to can play sports.” John explains.

In addition, these competitions are surrounded by a great atmosphere. “The fans are very important. Schoolboys who don’t play come to cheer us onthere is a great feeling of belonging”, sentences Juan Martín.
