College reform: homework done, dictation… What’s changing

College reform homework done dictation Whats changing

The Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye wishes to raise the educational level of the pupils. Also, to promote the transition between school and college, new measures have been announced for the start of the 2023 school year.

“When entering 6th grade, 27% of students do not have the expected level in French, almost a third in mathematics. Barely one in two pupils can read a text with ease and the degradation of spelling has become worrying” notes the Ministry of National Education. Louser promote liaison between primary school and middle school and make up for the shortcomings of the pupils, Pap Ndiaye announced new measures on January 4, 2023. Actions which will begin from the CM1 and CM2 classes with in particular educational recommendations concerning dictations, the daily practice of writing and the regularity of the calculation mental (from this month of January). The Minister of Education also intends to reform the 6th grade class so as to enable them to master basic knowledge.

Dictation, homework done, conjugation… What are Pap Ndiaye’s measurements?

The Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye wishes in particular reinforce fundamental knowledgelike the dictation and “the study of conjugations”.

  • School teachers will intervene in 6th grade to promote the transition between school and college and support the learning of fundamental knowledge in order to help students better adapt to their new environment, college.
  • Each student will have one hour per week of support or deepening in mathematics or French,
  • The “Homework done” system will be made compulsory in order to give more autonomy to students and thus reduce inequalities in learning.
  • New provisions will also be put in place (organization of school spaces, support and tutoring by a teacher, etc.) to take into account the young age of schoolchildren when they arrive in 6th grade.
  • Strengthening of cultural activities and sports practice (extension of the collective part of the Pass culture in 6th and 5th and generalization of the 2 hours of sport per week).

6th grade assessments: which subjects, when?

From the start of entering 6th gradecollege students spend assessment tests. The purpose of these assessments: to measure their level of skills and knowledge, especially in French (comprehension of long texts) and mathematics (problem solving), two main subjects in which French students have largely regressed in recent years. Moreover, the number of children who enter secondary school with mediocre reading skills is still too high, and even more worrying are the proven cases of illiteracy. If the level is not satisfactory, teachers will have to adjust the pedagogical axes to be developed from the beginning of the year.
