Collagen: what is it for and when to take it?

Collagen what is it for and when to take it

Naturally present in the body, collagen is an essential protein for the health and beauty of the skin, nails and hair, to name a few… The human body naturally manufactures collagen until age approximately 30 years. After this age, collagen cures promote the regeneration of connective tissues as well as their links with the organs, which they support and protect.

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Collagen is a key constituent for all the connective tissues that make up the human body: cartilage, bones, skin, hair and even nails. This protein represents more than 30% of the proteins present in the body and its benefits are extremely numerous. With, among them, a slowing down of skin aging, preservation of joint health, maintenance of hair quality, etc.

What is collagen?

As an essential structural protein in the body, collagen is present in all tissues of the human body. It takes the form of long filaments, mainly composed of glycine, proline and lysine. Assembled, these protein chains form fibrous proteins, also called fibrillar proteins.

Good to know: there are several types of collagen, but 90% of collagen proteins naturally present in the body are commonly referred to as “type I”.

Here are the different benefits recognized according to each type of collagen:

  • type I – anti-aging properties on the skin and improved joint mobility;
  • type II – participation in the construction of cartilage and prevention of joint pain;
  • type III – benefits similar to type I collagen with, in particular, antioxidant actions;
  • type IV – direct support for the functioning of various organs, including the kidneys;
  • type V – composition of the surface of cells, hair strands and placental tissues;
  • Type X – involved in ossification processes and in the formation of articular cartilage.

Some collagen sources provide different types of collagen simultaneously! This is the case of vegetarian collagen which contains both type I, type V and type X.

The significant health effects of collagen have led to the emergence of many collagen-based food supplements, including natural, vegetarian supplements that are easy to integrate into a daily routine, such as natural collagen offered by Dynveo.

When should you take collagen?

Maëlys Garnier, marketing manager at the Dynveo laboratory, gives us some answers: “ The decrease in collagen reserves present in the tissues is more or less rapid from one individual to another. The consumption of collagen or rather, food supplements rich in collagen is however possible from the age of 25 “.

The supply of collagen provided by these food supplements thus makes it possible to regenerate the collagen capital of the body and to stimulate its production.

What type of food supplement based on collagen to choose?

Easy to ingest and consume as a cure, collagen-based food supplements are available in capsules or powder. The collagen contained in these food supplements can come from different sources: bovine, porcine, marine or even vegetarian.

  • How to choose the right natural collagen?

Select it according to its source which must correspond to your preferences. Then check the different types (type I to type X) present in the selected natural collagen, to ensure that it meets your needs.

Also pay attention to the dosage of collagen, its intestinal tolerance and the existence of clinical studies that validate its effectiveness.

Finally, you can also look at the origin and the mode of production. Indeed, collagen may be of marine, bovine or egg origin. The vegetarian collagen offered by Dynveo comes from eggshells which are considered waste. An innovative process has been developed to upgrade this material and produce collagen.

  • When and how to take natural collagen supplements?

If you are over 25, you can start consuming natural collagen food supplements such as Dynveo natural and vegetarian collagen capsules. They contain Ovoderm collagen which is extracted from the membrane of chicken eggs and which benefits from a high intestinal tolerance.

collagen capsules vegetarian offered by Dynveo have been the subject of numerous clinical studies with proven results on skin elasticity (+18%) and firmness (+22%) from 21 days of use. They can be consumed at the rate of one capsule per day, to be swallowed during a meal, with a glass of water.

With Dynveo’s Vegetarian Natural Collagen, just one 300mg capsule per day is more than enough to reap all the health benefits of collagen. ” This single dose alone contributes to healthy skin, hair and nails “, concludes Maëlys Garnier.

Article written in partnership with Dynveo

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