Colder temperatures in June – risk of frost and freezing temperatures

Rain, debris and freezing temperatures.
After the high summer heat in May, a significantly cooler period awaits in June – which may even offer frost.
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It all depends on how clear and windy it will be, says TV4’s meteorologist Ulrika Elvgren.

Have you planned a full day at the beach or a warm barbecue evening for the weekend?

Then it’s time to rethink.

A low pressure will park over the country and the summer heat looks like it won’t be there for a while.

– You can almost get a feeling of autumn. In any case on Sunday when we have fairly persistent rain that actually lowers the temperature to below ten degrees in Svealand and up over southern Norrland, says TV4’s meteorologist Ulrika Elvgren.

Risk of frost

And in the north, even lower temperatures are expected. In the mountains and in the middle parts of Sweden, it can even be below zero.

– Everything depends on how clear and windy it will be, but if it coincides, the frost will hit. You can call frost nights in June iron nights. It doesn’t happen every year, but often enough that there is an expression for it, says Ulrika Elvgren.

The low pressure that comes in over the weekend will stay – and also fill out over the next week. With the exception of a few glimpses of the sun, the cold is here to stay, says Ulrika Elvgren.

– June can be a bit difficult to start. Especially now that we set the bar so high in May.

“Summer is not over”

Although May may even be a warmer month than June, the summer heat will reappear. Ulrika Elvgren dares to promise that.

– The summer is not over yet and we shouldn’t shut up just because there will be a chilly period in part of June, she says and continues:

– There will definitely be more heat waves. But nature needs this rain, so it’s good for the environment – but maybe not for us.

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