Cold Water, Radiator… Selena Gomez’s Tips for Treating Depression and What the Experts Say

Cold Water Radiator Selena Gomezs Tips for Treating Depression and

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    International star Selena Gomez uses an unexpected method to manage her mental health issues. By combining cold water sessions with the use of space heaters, she manages to soothe her symptoms of depression and anxiety. And these practices have been evaluated in very serious studies.

    The American singer and actress shares her secret to well-being in a recent interview with Vanity Fairclaiming that these simple methods help him maintain his mental health. His methods of cold showers and space heaters sound like patamedicine… Yet some experts confirm that exposure to extreme temperatures can have beneficial effects on mood.

    Cold Water as Therapy for Depression

    Selena Gomez has admitted to using cold showers to help with her bouts of depression and anxiety. While this technique may seem uncomfortable, it’s actually backed by several scientific studies.

    A study conducted in 2007 by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University found that cold showers, taken twice a week, significantly reduced symptoms of depression by stimulating the release of norepinephrine, a key neurotransmitter in mood regulation.Additionally, due to the high density of cold receptors in the skin, a cold shower should send a huge amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could lead to an antidepressant effect.” specified the authors.

    The absence of side effects and risk of addiction (no, you don’t become addicted to cold showers) prompted the authors to propose setting up larger studies to confirm these effects.

    The benefits of heat on the mind

    In addition to cold water, Selena Gomez uses space heaters to keep warm. Again, studies show that body heat can have a positive impact on mental health.

    A experiment conducted in 2016 by researchers from the University of Wisconsin revealed that increasing body temperature to 38.3°C followed by one hour of “cooling” allows a response in 60% of patients and even 40% in remission after one session! But the study conducted on only 24 patients and presented at the annual congress of the Society of Biological Psychiatry does not confirm real efficacy.

    A another study from 2023 found an inverse correlation between various psychological disorders (including depression) and hot spring bathing in elderly Japanese people.

    Here again, these treatments without contraindications can be tested without risk.

    Between science and personal practice

    While Selena Gomez’s method may come as a surprise, it’s part of a growing trend that explores the impact of temperature fluctuations on mental health. For the actress, these tools have become essential for her emotional stability. However, as with any therapy, it’s important to consult a specialist if symptoms persist.
