Cold isn’t the only reason you’re always cold! Whatever you do, if you can’t get warm…

Cold isnt the only reason youre always cold Whatever you

The feeling of cold, which almost all of us complain about in cold weather, can also indicate some important diseases. Acıbadem International Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Türker Kundak warned that the complaint of cold should definitely not be ignored and said, “Because cold can be an important symptom of the Omicron variant during these periods, it should not be underestimated. In addition, since it can be caused by many other serious diseases, it is absolutely necessary to apply to a health institution, especially in cases where there is no infection and the complaint of cold is prolonged. Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Türker Kundak told about the important diseases that cause cold and gave warnings!


Cold can be one of the important symptoms of the influenza virus, which is common in the winter months, with Omicron, the dominant variant of the Covid-19 virus in many countries of the world and in Turkey. Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Türker Kundak says that in the infectious diseases caused by these viruses, a feeling of cold may develop just before or when the fever rises, and says, “The problem of cold should never be underestimated as it may be the first initial symptom of these two viruses, which are highly contagious and can cause pneumonia severe enough to require intensive care.”


Iron deficiency or anemia due to iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of cold. In women, such as menstrual bleeding, blood loss in our body for any reason, or in case of anemia due to lack of nutrition, chills can occur. In addition to iron deficiency, anemia due to leukemia/lymphoma or various cancers can also signal coldness.


T3 and T4 hormones, which are the main hormones produced by the thyroid gland, determine the metabolic rate of our body. The condition in which this gland cannot produce enough thyroid hormone for the body is called ‘hypothyroidism’. Due to the low secretion of thyroid hormones into the blood, our metabolic rate slows down. As a result of this; Problems such as coldness, weakness and fatigue may occur.



Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Türker Kundak pointed out that the deficiency of vitamin D and vitamin B12, which are the most important vitamins in our body, can also cause coldness, and said, “Although the most important symptom of vitamin D deficiency is cold, muscle and bone pain can also be seen. In vitamin B12 deficiency, in addition to feeling cold, numbness, tingling and loss of sensation in the body can also develop.



In diabetes, which is known as ‘diabetes’ among the people, if blood sugar cannot be controlled, damage to the nerves and vessels can occur. When the tissues become less bloody due to vascular occlusion, numbness, pain and cold problems may develop in the hands and feet.


Vascular Diseases

Chills due to vascular diseases are most common in the hands and/or feet. “These patients may experience discoloration, bruising, numbness and tingling in the limbs,” said Dr. Türker Kundak continues: “Poor circulation is one of the most common factors that cause cold hands and feet. The reason for this is vascular diseases or vascular occlusions caused by intravascular plaques. Smoking can also cause circulatory disorders and vascular occlusions, leading to chills.”


In Raynaud’s disease, which is one of the rare diseases (color changes in the skin that develops in areas with low blood circulation), the problem of coldness in the hands and feet may occur as a result of the contraction of the blood vessels.


Along with rapid weight loss due to cancer that may develop in the body, muscle and adipose tissue lost in large amounts can also cause coldness. Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Türker Kundak draws attention to the vital importance of applying to a health institution without wasting time in these symptoms.


Mental problems such as depression and anxiety, which increased in the Covid-19 pandemic, also negatively affect our physical health. In case of prolonged depression and anxiety disorder, when some hormone levels change in our body; Problems such as constant coldness, fatigue and sleep disorders may develop.
