Amasya University Sabuncuoğlu Şerefeddin Training and Research Hospital, the news of the death of young personnel who have been working for 4 years, “Our hospital Coronary Intensive Care Service Nurse Minecan Tek, died due to health problems. We wish our condolences to our community. “
Minecan Tek, on February 6 with a complaint of colds applied to the hospital. After the treatment heard at home, the nurse came back to the hospital with a complaint of respiratory difficulties on 9 February. After the first intervention, the only suspected of swine flu, the formation of heart failure after the intensive care service after the condition of the situation was heavy and died this morning.
Minecan Tek was held at the hospital ceremony. The ceremony, the Mayor of Amasya Turgay Sevindi, Provincial Health Director Dr .. Dursun Koç, Hospital Chief Physician Faculty Member Volkan Taşova, his mother, brother, relatives and colleagues attended. After the ceremony, the funeral of Nurse Tek was sent to his hometown Iğdır.
Hospital Chief Physician Faculty Member Volkan Taşova, “Unfortunately, due to influenza virus on Thursday, starting with influenza symptoms, Nurse Hanim, on Sunday a little deterioration of our hospital emergency service. The control of the influenza due to cardiac problems began to develop in an urgent way to develop intensive care and a fast care of a quick care. In the way, we have lost our patient in the morning despite the worsening of the painting.
Taşova explained that they felt great sadness of the death of his friends, “the patient called influenza H1N1 virus is controlled, influenza virus is found to be infected. swine flu the one which. This type of vital complications may develop. Unfortunately, the Nurse Hanım faces such a complication and cannot be returned despite the interventions and dies. He was a friendly friend who was loved by his friends and patients, very positively friendly and loved and appreciated by our hospital. We are all in great sorrow. Thanks to the whole health community, “he said.