Cold facts reveal the healer’s suicide advice: Don’t rip

Cold facts reveal the healers suicide advice Dont rip



Cold Facts has reviewed Love and light – a growing spiritual direction with a dangerous message.

A wall-raping reporter can document how a healer advises not to intervene to prevent a suicide.

– I had not tried to influence her, says the healer to the reporter.

TV4’s Kalla fakta has examined Love and light, a growing movement within the spiritual community. The movement, which has grown large on social media and often targets young girls, contains many familiar elements. There are crystals, incense, and healing – but also other messages.

When Kalla fakta’s reporter walks into the Lifeforum healing center in Stockholm with a hidden camera, she receives an unexpected piece of advice. When the reporter expresses concern about a friend who wants to kill himself, the healer advises against intervening.

– We cannot influence if someone wants to leave. If someone has chosen to leave, they have chosen to leave. If I were you, as a friend, I would have expressed my concern, but I would not have tried to influence her.

– Does the person really want to move on and I want to hold on to them, it’s quite selfish of me to hold on to them, the healer tells the reporter.


full screen “Energy healer” Anders Knutas, CEO of Lifeforum Photo: TV4/Kalla Fakta

In conflict with Suicide Zero

Rickard Bracken, who is the general secretary of Suicide Zero, reacts strongly to the healer’s advice. He believes, on the contrary, that it is absolutely necessary to intervene if a person expresses a desire to commit suicide.

– It is often driven by impulse, in almost half of the cases, this moment when you act on your thoughts is less than ten minutes. So not acting during that time is completely wrong, then we know that someone’s support can be life-changing.


full screen Healing center Lifeforum in Stockholm Photo: TV4/Kalla Fakta

Lifeforum’s CEO, the energy healer Anders Knutas, also distances himself from the healer’s advice when a reporter plays the conversation for him.

– From what I heard now, it sounds like she believes that this person should not do anything. It does not follow our guidelines at all, says Anders Knutas.

Knuta’s own message

But in the review, Knutas is also confronted about the messages that he himself conveys.

Parts of his sermon deal with the fact that it is predetermined that a person will die early – and that, for example, you can contract an illness that causes you to die earlier than was intended.

– Many children take on an illness to teach their parents things, says Anders Knutas to TV4’s Kalla fakta.

– So if a child gets cancer, they have chosen it?, asks the reporter.

– Very many times it is like that, yes, Knutas replies.


full screen Photo: TV4/Kalla Fakta

FACT This is where you can turn if you feel unwell

SOS Alarm 112
In emergency situations or thoughts of suicide, always call 112.

Mind Suicide Line 90101
Helpline for people with suicidal thoughts. Open around the clock. Telephone number: 90101.

Care guide 1177
Healthcare advice and information about the nearest psychiatric emergency department. Telephone number: 1177

Priest on duty
Telephone number: 112, every day from 21:00 to 06:00

Friend on call
Accepts calls from children and young people up to 25 years of age. Chat service weekdays from 18–22, weekends from 14–18.

On-call fellow
Telephone number: 08-702 16 80, every day from 21:00 to 06:00.

Bris, Children’s rights in society
Telephone number: 116 111, every day, around the clock.
Adult telephone: 0771-50 50 50, weekdays from 9 am to 12 noon
Chat: Every day, 24 hours a day.

Save the Children helpline
Have you moved to Sweden? are you young Do you want to talk to someone? The Save the Children helpline answers in Arabic, Dari, Pashto, Somali, Tigrinya, Swedish and English. Also for parents.
Telephone number: 0200-77 88 20. Every day from 3 to 6 p.m.

Spes – suicide prevention and survivor support
Telephone number: 020-18 18 00, telephone hotline every day 19–22.
Get advice, support and treatment from mental health specialists. At Pratamera, you can quickly get help with your well-being through chat, video and therapy programs (CBT) from licensed psychologists and psychotherapists.
Free if you are under 20, otherwise SEK 250 per visit (free pass applies).

Suicide zero
Facts and advice about suicide.

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