Cold facts are awarded the Great Journalist Prize

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Emil Hellerud, Emilia Berggren Sörlin and Daniel Gökinan are awarded the 2022 Grand Journalism Prize for the Cold Fact review The parties’ secret money.

Watch our live broadcast in the player above with the award winners

The review has been called one of the biggest political revelations in this year’s election campaign.

Cold facts revealed how politicians from several parties in talks with donors were prepared to circumvent the law’s requirements for openness and transparency, in order to receive secret money.

Covert recordings show the parties’ various methods of receiving and concealing large private contributions. Cold facts took the help of two people with a large fortune, who contacted all parties in Sweden’s Riksdag and offered at least half a million kroner for this year’s election campaign, while demanding to remain anonymous.

In the hidden, the two donors get different answers than what it sounds like in public. Five out of eight parliamentary parties tried to circumvent the purpose of the law to secure the secret contributions.

Here you can see the entire Kalla fakta review The parties’ secret money

Facts: The big journalist award

Established in 1966 by Bonnier AB and awarded annually to promote good professional achievements in journalism.

The award is given in the categories of disclosure of the year, storyteller of the year, voice of the year, and innovator of the year, as well as Lukas Bonnier’s major journalistic award – which is awarded to a journalist who for many years has “demonstrated skill and outstanding journalistic work”.

The prize sum is SEK 100,000 in each category.

