Cold cases positive to DNA genus research

Police region Nord
Is positive about using genealogy with DNA.

Hope to be able to use in one or more cases, especially on the double murder in Brattås 2005.

“We have worked on to be in phase and ready for if/when the change in the law comes into force. For example, through collaboration with NFC and through forensic analysis, ”writes Marie Kristiansson from the North Call Police Region.

Police region in the middle
Are positive to the change, but have no current cases where the method can be used.

“It will be another tool for us in the difficult murders. We will of course use the method when we have the opportunity to do so. An unknown DNA is required that is good enough to drive into their databases, ”writes Per Ringqvist, investigator in cold cases in the Mitt region.

Police region Bergslagen
“We are positive about genealogy as a measure in the investigation of serious crimes and also to other proposals for legislative changes, especially the extended DNA tops and fingerprints of suspects,” writes Mikael Nyqvist, criminal commissioner and preliminary investigator at Kalla case in Bergslagen.

At present, there is no case where the method is needed, but states that you have not identified and invented all cold cases in the region.

Police region Stockholm
Are positive about the method, but do not believe that there are so many cases in the Stockholm region where it may be relevant to use DNA family research.

“There are a number of cases where the method could be used. But as we understand, the method can only be used to investigate any perpetrators. Unidentified victims, we cannot use this method to identify the victims, ”writes Göran Olsson from the Kalla case group in the Stockholm police region.

Police region West
In the West Police Region, Kalla-Fall states that they are “absolutely positive” to the method and that you will most likely use it.

“We currently have a couple of cases where the method may be useful, but no concrete examples,” writes Anders Eriksson, group manager and preliminary investigator in cold cases.

Police Region Syd
States that you look “very positive” at the change and that you will definitely use the method. The region also has a few cases where you are interested in using the method.

“What we see as negative is that the law only gives us the opportunity to search for perpetrators. We want to be able to use it even to identify victims, ”writes Bo Lundqvist, head of the Cold Fall Group in the South Police Region.

Police region east
In the East region there is no cold case group, but all cases are handled within the investigation section.
