Cohesion Decree: another 18.4 million euros arrive for the Alitalia CIG integration

Cohesion Decree another 184 million euros arrive for the Alitalia

(Finance) – They’re coming another 18.4 million euros to finance the supplementary benefit of the workers’ redundancy fund Alitalia and Alitalia Cityliner. This is what a rapporteurs’ amendment to the cohesion decree filed with the Senate Budget Committee. The law increases the resources available to the Solidarity Fund for the air transport sector from 5.8 to 24.2 million euros to ensure that the overall treatment recognized to workers “is equal to 60 percent of the reference gross salary“.

The intervention, we read in the explanatory report attached to the amendment, was necessary given that the requests for access to the supplementary benefit received by INPS “result in a total amount equal to euro 24,168,520” and “the allocation envisaged” by the decree of 10 August 2023 “equal to 5.8 million is therefore not sufficient”.

The examination of the cohesion decree will resume tomorrow morning in the Senate Budget Committee with the votes on the amendments on which opinions have already been obtained.
