(Finance) – Cogefeeda company listed on EGM PRO and specialized in the development and construction of plants from renewable sources, closed 2024 with a Production value equal to 1.1 million euros, decreasing compared to the previous year (15.8 million), following the transition from the energy efficiency sector to that of the production of energy from renewable sources.
THE’Ebitda is positive for 246 thousand euros (Ebitda margin equal to 22%) compared to approximately 8.2 million euros (Ebitda Margin 52%) of 31 December 2023. TheEbit It is negative for about -309 thousand euros (positive for about 6.4 million euros at 31 December 2023) after depreciation and provisions for a total of about 555 thousand euros. The Net result He records a loss of about -489 thousand euros, compared to the financial profit of 3.1 million euros of 31 December 2023, this data reflects the end of the cycle of revenues generated by the incentives of the Superbonus.
THE’Net financial debt It amounts to 5.9 million euros, compared to 4.7 million euros of 31 December 2023, reflecting the investments related to the strategic transition of the group and the pipeline of photovoltaic systems.
“2024 represented for Cogefeed A year of strategic transformationcharacterized by the listing on the stock exchange and by the acceleration of our growth path in the sector of renewable energy production – commented theTo Daniele Filizola – Despite the challenges deriving from the end of the Superbonus incentives and the need to consolidate a business model oriented towards direct production of energy, we have been able to maintain a solid patrimonial structure and a clear vision on future objectives “.
(Photo: Carrie Allen www.carrieallen.com on UNSPLASH)