Coffee bread the new weapon against the wild boar

Coffee bread the new weapon against the wild boar

Updated 01.24 | Published 01.05

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fullscreen Buns, bread and other treats will make the wild boar stay within the area. Archive image. Photo: Andreas Apell/TT

Old coffee bread is used to keep the wild boar within the swine fever-infected core area around Fagersta, Jaktjournalen reports.

The treats should tempt the wild boar to stay in the central parts of the area.

– It is well known that pigs are like us humans – we like sweets, says hunter Kjell Granqvist to P4 Västmanland.

The leftover bread and pastries come from local bakeries and are to be placed in certain places within the area.

– So that they stay away from villa gardens and simply stay in the forest.
