MeinMMO keeps an eye on the Call of Duty: Warzone 2 meta for you and provides you with the best weapons for your loadouts with setups in German and English. We update the list regularly as soon as there are balance changes with updates.
To bring you the best weapons from Call of Duty: Warzone 2, we regularly check analysis from Warzone experts, look at community trends and spice it all up with a pinch of our own experience.
Our focus is on easy playability – if we have to choose between high damage and easy control, we always prefer better control. However, we list you the meta weapon with the higher damage as an alternative.
The article is divided into 3 parts:
We embed a current video about CoD Warzone here:
Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Launch Trailer
Article publication: Warzone 2 has only been on the market for a few days, players and experts are still looking for the best weapons, but there are already very clear trends.
So DMRs are considered strong shortly after the release – the EBR-14 collects many fans, some even reminds of the DMR meta of the first Warzone, when the DMR 14 had the Battle Royale in a headlock.
In addition, an unusual number of players use an LMG. The weapons are a bit sluggish, but some of them offer a very safe shooting feeling with decent damage and huge magazines.
Noticed: According to the first analyses, real “lasers” are no longer the order of the day in Warzone 2. Take the M4, for example, which is the best assault rifle in our first version of the list. Even with all the attachments, you still have a noticeable recoil that gets even stronger after a few shots.
There are currently no weapons with hardly noticeable recoil like in Warzone 1 – Grau 5.56 or Kilo 141.
About the author Maik Schneider: Maik has been rampaging through the Battle Royale since the release day of Warzone 1 and has completed almost 1,500 matches. He mainly looks after Call of Duty on MeinMMO, never misses an update, translates the patch notes and keeps an eye on the weapons.
What is meta in Warzone 2? Best Weapons for Battle Royale
Is there currently an over-weapon in Warzone 2? No, shortly after release there is no weapon that you “have to” play. The balancing looks pretty good at the moment.
List of the best weapons in Warzone
We’re going without the other weapon classes for the time being, but we’ll keep an eye on the meta trends. Should shotguns find their place, for example, we’ll add the class to the list.
By the way, the complete list also applies to the DMZ mode of Warzone 2:
CoD Warzone 2: Is the controversial DMZ mode worth it for you? Find out with our checklist
What are the best Warzone weapons? There are always outliers in some weapon classes. But in general, assault rifles are considered the best weapons in Warzone, along with a mobile submachine gun.
Good range paired with decent damage, mobility is usually okay and you are not completely lost in close combat.
Assault rifles, however, are designed to target targets at medium and long ranges and to “help out” in close combat as much as possible. A submachine gun is therefore a suitable secondary weapon. With the small SMG in hand, you’ll run faster, aim faster, and deal more damage in melee combat.
If mobility is not that important to you, an LMG can also replace the assault rifle. The sluggish monsters come with tons of ammo in the magazine and some also offer very good control.
The deadly mixture of sniper/DMR together with an SMG is also popular. However, you will no longer land one-shot headshots in Warzone 2 with full armor – the role of sniper weapons in the meta remains to be seen.
CoD Warzone 2: You can unlock 3 new weapons in 15 minutes – even for CoD MW2
CoD Warzone 2: The Best Assault Rifle – M4
CoD Warzone 2: M4 setup
CoD Warzone 2: M4 Setup
What is this weapon class? Assault rifles are the all-rounders of the Warzone. Best suited for medium and long distances, but also won’t let you down in close combat – if you have to. It is important that you can place your hits well and have a safe shooting feeling.
What makes the weapon so powerful? The M4 currently offers you the best mix of control and damage. It’s not a laser like you might be used to from the first Warzone, but it’s currently one of the most controllable assault rifles. Try bursts of fire at range.
If you can handle a bit more recoil and want better damage, the TAQ-56 and the Lachmann 556 are also top options – the TAQ is a bit ahead of the pack.
CoD Warzone 2: The Best Submachine Gun – Lachman MP
CoD Warzone 2: Lachman MP Setup
CoD Warzone 2: Lachman MP Set up
What is this weapon class? Submachine guns are the melee specialists, losing damage quickly at range but deadly at close range. They also offer strong mobility values - so switch to the small arms if you want to get from A to B quickly.
What makes the weapon so powerful? The Lachmann MP deals a lot of damage to your enemies and is very easy to control. The MP5 blend easily hits your targets at medium range and is one of the easiest weapons in Warzone 2 to play.
Shortly after the release, however, the options on the MP market are diverse. If you want to do more damage or try something different, also use our alternatives.
CoD Warzone 2: The best LMG – RPK
CoD Warzone 2: RPK Set up
CoD Warzone 2: RPK Set up
What is this weapon class? LMGs are sluggish, slow, take forever to reload. But these disadvantages are compensated accordingly. Light machine guns have huge magazines, often provide a sure shot, and some models are at the forefront of damage.
What makes the weapon so powerful? The RPK was already a meta contender before the Warzone release and is doing its job. The large standard magazine with 75 rounds saves you an attachment and allows you to pack the high-speed ammunition and land powerful hits at long distances.
If you are not afraid of recoil, try the LAHS MG as well. It distributes brutal damage, but is more for passionate sweaters.
CoD Warzone 2: The Best DMR – EBR-14
CoD Warzone 2: EBR-14 Set up
CoD Warzone 2: EBR-14 Set up
What is this weapon class? Warzone 2 offers two different types of DMRs. Weapons like the SP-R 208 or the Lockwood have a low rate of fire and behave more like snipers. The EBR-14 or TAQ-M behave more like battle rifles with higher rate of fire.
Ultimately, both types bring you high damage and good range control.
What makes the weapon so powerful? The EBR-14 offers a high rate of fire in single shot mode, great stability and heavy damage. There are some experts who say after release that the weapon is absolute meta – but not popular with everyone due to its single-shot property.
CoD Warzone 2: The Best Sniper – LA-B 330
CoD Warzone 2: LA-B 330 Set up
CoD Warzone 2: LA-B 330 Set up
What is this weapon class? Sniper or sniper rifles deliver you the highest damage in the game. A large sight, a couple of aiming stability attachments and you’re ready to go headshot hunting. But be careful: If enemies have created more than 2 armor plates, headshots are no longer deadly.
What makes the weapon so powerful? The LA-B 330 already has a strong standard visor, which saves you an attachment. In addition, the weapon is surprisingly quick to aim with the setup – very unusual for a sniper and excellent for the next camping trip on the roofs of Al Mazrah.
We keep track of balance changes and update our list regularly. In addition, we always provide a brief overview of the current changes to the meta. Check back regularly to stay up to date.
If you have your own weapon recommendations or want to discuss the list with us, you are welcome in the comments. Also, show us your weapon setups that you are currently having the most fun and/or success with.