Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has completely overhauled the weapon camo system. Gone are the days when you had to grind for weeks to get a weapon camouflage. Gold and platinum camos are available faster in MW2 than in Vanguard or Cold War.
The special weapon camos are an absolute highlight in every new Call of Duty for many players. So far, this has always required hours of grinding, but CoD: MW2 does it differently. In the latest installment in the shooter franchise, you must complete weapon-specific challenges to earn your golden gun.
First of all, you should choose a weapon that you enjoy. In order to unlock the gold camouflage, you will have to play the gun for a few rounds. Once you have chosen a weapon and adjusted it to your needs in the weapon smith, you can start to improve the optics as well.
Still not sure which weapon to level up? Here you will find the 3 best weapons with setups for multiplayer.
In the video you can see all the details about the new weaponsmith again:
CoD Modern Warfare 2: Armorer Trailer
Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic & Orion – How to Unlock All Camos
Before you can start the tasks for the exclusive weapon camouflages, you must first complete the 4 challenges for the basic camos. The first challenge requires you to accumulate a certain number of kills and is available once you unlock the weapon.
You will then receive further challenges as your weapon level increases. Unlike its predecessors, there is no need to use specific attachments to complete the challenges. If you have successfully mastered a challenge, the weapon camo is then available for all weapons – it is much faster than in CoD: Vanguard, for example.
The Weaponsmith is causing problems for some players. The attachment tuning was temporarily deactivated – an important feature is currently broken.
Unlock Gold Camo
Once you’ve completed all of the basic camo challenges, it’s time to get your guns painted gold. The requirements are the same for each weapon: you have to achieve a certain number of kills (usually no more than 2 or 3) without being shot down yourself. Once you’ve beaten the challenge with a weapon, you can use the gold camo on that specific weapon.
Unlock Platinum Camo
If you have mastered the challenge for the gold camo on enough weapons, you can dare to take on the platinum challenge. The platinum camo is linked to the respective weapon type. If you want the platinum camo for Assault Rifles, you must first have a certain number of Gold Assault Rifle Camos unlocked. You must repeat this step for each additional weapon type.
Unlock Polyatomic Camo
Anyone who invests a lot of time in Call of Duty can reward themselves with the last two weapon camouflages. Like the Gold and Platinum camo, the Polyatomic camo requires you to complete a challenge that becomes available once you’ve unlocked the Platinum camo on 51 weapons. The polyatomic camouflage is also linked to the weapon type and requires significantly more effort compared to gold and platinum.
Unlock Orion Camo
If you want to make the ultimate statement with your weapon in multiplayer or Warzone 2.0, you can do so with the Orion camo. This becomes available once you’ve unlocked the Polyatomic camo for 51 weapons.
More about CoD: Modern Warfare 2 on MeinMMO:
What do you think of the new weapon camos? Have you already unlocked the gold camo for your favorite weapon? Or is that not your thing at all? Please leave us a comment with your opinion.
If you need additional motivation: While we are still dreaming of gold weapons, a Twitch streamer already has 20