Coco: the application to disconnect children from screens

Coco the application to disconnect children from screens

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    Every fifteen minutes, the “Coco” application imagined by the start-up Dynseo, offers a “sports break” for children to get off the screens and move.

    Children remain on average four hours a day in front of the television, a smartphone or a tablet, according to a new study by the Liaison Center for Education and Information Media. However, the recommended time would be twenty minutes a day.

    According to specialists, leaving children too long in front of a screen can lead to motor and cognitive delays, language and attention disorders, hyperactivity, and even aggression in some cases. It also means getting them used to a certain form of sedentary lifestyle, which can lead to obesity and the risk of disease, particularly cardiovascular disease.

    Faced with this observation, the Coco application, intended for 5-10 year olds, offers children the opportunity to learn how to use screens in a reasoned way. The goal? Allow children to work on strength, mobility, balance, but also their muscle tone, while letting off steam.

    Combine sport and screens

    “The screen should not be demonized, because it remains a great tool for discovery and play for children. It must nevertheless be better used so as not to harm the health of the little ones”explains Justine, the co-founder of Dynseo, a company specializing in the development of brain training applications, in particular for people affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

    To do this, the start-up created the “sports break with Coco” which occurs after 15 minutes of using its application, i.e. the concentration time of a child. “They will then dance, move, mime, etc. in order to ventilate the brain”, says the company. For more control, parents have the possibility to select the sports activities offered by the application.

    To make the “sports break with Coco” accessible to everyone, the exercises have been designed “by speech therapists, neuropsychologists and occupational therapists with the aim of being accessible to all children, including those with disabilities (autism, DYS disorders, etc.)”.

    For parents who wish to put this application in the hands of children, it will be necessary to provide a subscription of 4.99 euros for one month, 14.99 euros for three months and 39.99 euros for 1 year.
