Cocaine: its regular consumption can create serious lesions of the nose

Cocaine its regular consumption can create serious lesions of the

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    The main effects of drugs, especially cocaine, are well known. Nevertheless, British doctors warn about the effects of this substance which is less talked about: serious lesions of the ENT sphere, in particular of the nasal septum.

    When we talk about cocaine, we immediately think of its stimulating effects, especially on the brain. What is less talked about, however, is the damage that the consumption of this white powder can cause on the ENT sphere.

    Nose, ears, throat: different lesions caused by cocaine

    British doctors are sounding the alarm. By consuming drugs, experts from the National Health Service point out that this addiction also exposes you to lesions of the nose, ears and throat. And they point out that this type of lesion has been multiplied by three in recent years, due to the increase in cocaine consumption, especially by young people.

    Nicholas Calder, consultant in ear, nose and throat (ENT), specializing in nasal reconstructive surgery at the hospital explains to our colleagues at the BBC: “The number of patients we treat is increasing year on year and patients come to us from a representative sample of the population.“.

    In France also “the proportion of 18-64 year olds who have experimented with cocaine has quadrupled in two decades, from 1.2% in 1995 to 5.6% in 2017″ according to figures from the French Observatory of Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) and around 600,000 people use it regularly. Cocaine is also the second most used drug in the 18-34 age group, after cannabis.

    Nose prosthesis or surgery

    When inhaled (“snorted”), cocaine causes a very strong contraction of blood vessels; however, the nasal septum is very sensitive to reduced blood flow. After using cocaine several times, the nasal structure may begin to die, causing perforations“ remind the doctors.

    NHS Lankarshire reports the case of a man in his 40s whose cocaine use increased and who, due to the consequences, had to undergo surgery with the fitting of a prosthesis.


    In addition, the drug is sometimes cut with other harmful substances also for the ENT sphere, such as deworming drugs used by veterinarians.

    The only solutions then: proceed with the placement of a prosthesis or perform reconstructive surgery. But because of the stigma associated with using the drug, doctors are concerned that the number of people affected by this problem is actually more serious than currently known.
