Cobwebbing: a method to sort out your toxic relationships

Cobwebbing a method to sort out your toxic relationships

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    How about doing some fall cleaning in your relationships? It is the principle of “cobwebbing” which encourages you to reflect on your relationships and take stock of what is preventing you from moving forward. We explain how this method works.

    Cobwebbing: definition

    How do you get out of the memory of a toxic relationship and move on? This is the challenge of “cobwebbing”, the new love trend of the season. Literally translated from English as “spider’s web”, the idea is to get rid of objects and memories of places linked to your ex-partner, for example, and to meet new people. In the midst of the “cuffing season” , it can be tempting to send a message to your ex to spend the winter as a couple. With “cobwebbing”, this will not happen.

    The “cobwebbing” method encourages you to sort out your relationships. Exit the people who do not do you good, who pull you down. The idea is to make a fresh start with new people, both in friendship and in love.

    According to Caroline West, Bumble’s sex and relationship expert, relayed by Cosmopolitanby actively ‘clearing’ your environment of the past, you can then move forward feeling more empowered, more confident and more open to meeting a new person”.

    Sorting out your relationships can be easier said than done… “This can be a little trickier than just ‘removing’ cobwebs” recognizes sexologist and clinical therapist Ness Cooper at the Metro newspaper.

    To do this, the first step is to give yourself time to mourn a relationship. “Grieving the past and what might have happened in the future is a healthy way to end the relationship and move on.”, says Deb Morgan, relationship coach in Stylist Magazine.

    The next step is to take stock of what you want next. This will allow you to project yourself and provide you with a sense of autonomy. The last step, but not the least, is to stick with this decision and really let toxic relationships go.

    Now it’s your turn to try “cobwebbing”!
