(Finance) – The gap between classes social in Italy It is growing, influenced by the globalization and expansion of the European financial sector, which has led to a concentration of wealth in some sectors at the expense of others. The economic crises since 2008 at Pandemia have worsened the situation. The Meloni government has adopted measures to reduce inequalities, such as the structural cut of the tax wedge and the reform of the IRPEF, with the aim of lowering the rate of the average bracket from 35% to 33%.
He said it Joy Giorgiannideputy of Fratelli d’Italia in the Budget Committee in Montecitorio, during the CNPR Forum “The social scissor widens: how to stop the drift of the middle class in Italy?“Promoted by the pension fund of the accountants and accounting experts chaired by Luigi Pagliuca.
Second Francis Verduccisenator of the Democratic Party in the Culture Commission at Palazzo Madama: “Social inequalities derive from a transformation of capitalism without rules, which has favored financial speculation at the expense of the production economy. In recent decades, the growing concentration of wealth has accentuated the disparities, impoverishing the work and reducing its political representation. The absence of regulations has allowed the digital giants to acquire unprecedented economic, media and political power, giving life to a technotic oligarchy that threatens the stability of liberal democracies “.
The strategy of the attachment of the tax burden was underlined by Vito De Palmaexponent of Forza Italia and secretary of the parliamentary commission for the implementation of fiscal federalism: “In recent years, factors such as globalization, the transformation of the labor market and relocation have reduced economic opportunities, while wage stagnation has eroded the purchasing power of the middle class. Forza Italia supports the tax reform to reduce the taxation at work, proposing the lowering of the rate from 35% to 33% for the average class. In addition, underlines the importance of investing in training and education, combining incentives for businesses with adequate qualification for young people, so as to encourage employment and economic growth “.
The criticism of Leonardo Donnoparliamentarian of the M5S in the Budget Committee: “In 2024 there was a record drop in industrial production, with 23 consecutive months of contraction, an increase in layoffs and a progressive erosion of the middle class. Salari too low and the dear life make it increasingly difficult for workers to arrive at the end of the month. In the last budget law, proposals were made to face this emergency, such as minimum wages and a tax redistribution in favor of families, but were rejected by the government. Furthermore, no measures have been adopted to reduce the cost of shopping, while the government continues to encourage great assets, lobbies and banks, without concrete responses for citizens and businesses in difficulty “.
During the debate, moderated by Anna Maria Belfortethe professional’s point of view was expressed by Easter Borracciaccountant and legal auditor of the Odcec of Bari: “The average Italian class and companies are facing a serious crisis, aggravated by the loss of purchasing power, inflation and increase in energy costs. To raise the economy, urgent measures are needed that strengthen the purchasing power and improve the training of young people, adapting it to an increasingly specialized labor market “.
The conclusions were entrusted to Paolo LongoniCouncilor of the National Institute of Accounting Experts: “The progressiveness of the IRPEF, once a key tool to reduce inequalities, has been gradually dismantled, going from 32 to only 3 rates. This limited the redistribution of income, favoring some categories of real estate and autonomous income. To rebalance social distances, a long -term strategy is needed, considering that Italy remains an important industrial and economic power. Citizens have to know future programs to face this challenge “.