Cnpr Forum: “13.5 billion euros for hydrogeological instability, there is no programming”

Cnpr Forum 135 billion euros for hydrogeological instability there is

(Finance) – “I have proposed to all the parties and the government to write together and unanimously approve a law on soil consumption. Parliament has been trying for over 30 years and the final point has never been reached. A law that allows mayors or prefectures to carry out the demolitions. Today in Italy, on average, 30 percent of them are carried out. They are too few. Each demolition costs on average between 70 and 100 thousand euros depending on the type of building. These are unsustainable figures for the many abuses that cannot be remedied. A guarantee fund is needed, otherwise the Municipalities that intend to proceed on this plan will collapse”. He announced it Sergio Costa (M5s), vice president of the Chamber of Deputiesduring webinar “The protection of the territory for the fight against climate change. More prevention and fewer emergencies, is it possible?” promoted by Pension fund for accountants and accounting experts, chaired by Luigi Pagliuca.

“Hydrogeological instability is one of the biggest emergencies in the country, just think that 94 percent of national municipalities are subjected to this type of fragility. Yet over the decades, a great many economic resources have been allocated. Recently, with a project that has also brought mine signed in 2019, we are talking about the Conte 2 government, 11 billion euros have been allocated as part of the so-called ‘Proteggi Italia’.The Pnrr – he continued It costs – was added with another 2.5 billion, therefore, today we have 13.5 billion euros in the state coffers. The theme is not the lack of resources, either past or present, the theme is to spend them well. That is to say, make the planning in good time to respect the urgency of the problem and in addition to the planning, manage the tenders and the execution of the works”.

“The building boom – he said Alberto Gusmeroli (Lega), president of the Productive Activities Commission at Montecitorio – did not go hand in hand with spatial planning. Climate change has added new criticalities and not having planned well the consumption of the territory, allowing building abuses, the uncoordinated growth of the real estate assets, ‘graveing’ the streams, deforesting indiscriminately, now we need to transform a negativity into a new opportunity. It is necessary to invest for the protection of the territory, paying attention to future consumption and intervening with large redevelopment and renaturalization projects. All this generates employment and economic development. We have an invaluable heritage to redevelop and I think it is a priority of this government. Just as it was a priority to allocate two thirds of the economic maneuver, recently approved by the executive, to businesses and households to face the expensive energy”.

“It is essential to act promptly to avoid new tragedies such as occurred in Ischia, on the Marmolada and in the Marches. The first act to be carried out – he said Mariastella Gelmini, Action MP in the Constitutional Affairs Commission at Palazzo Madama – is to effectively use the 15 billion euros that the Pnrr makes available on the subject of prevention. We have asked Parliament for the reconstitution of the Mission Unit at Palazzo Chigi, dismantled by the Conte government. The competences – added Gelmini – must be centralized in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to implement effective coordination with all the other structures present in the area. Without a national direction, time and resources are wasted. The priority of the ‘Maneuver’ was energy. But the Budget Law does not address important structural issues, such as that of territorial defence. We also point out the absence of an industrial vision and for this reason we will present amendments on Industry 4.0 to favor the recovery of investments in the digital and ecological transitions”.

“On the government’s information in relation to the landslide that hit the island of Ischia – he highlighted Pino Bicchielli, deputy of Us Moderates in the Defense Commission – the pain of the families affected by the catastrophe was clearly perceived. On this suffering all party forces have united and cohesive to give a concrete and immediate response to the island population. Politics has a duty to question climate change but above all the fragility of territories. We have enormous responsibilities, seeing and considering that half of Italy doesn’t have a geological plan, we don’t fully know the critical issues of our territory and when we do know them we don’t intervene promptly to avoid disasters like the one that happened in recent days. The PNRR is not the panacea for all ills but within it there are resources dedicated to the forecast strengthening of the effects of climate change and very specific expenditure items also for the prevention and contrast of the phenomena linked to hydrogeological instability”.

“We need an urgent plan for the protection of the territory and structural interventions and adequate disaster prevention measures must be envisaged. We need to protect families and businesses from these increasingly frequent events, which – he said Antonio Moltelo, accountant and auditor of Odcec Nola – in addition to causing death and destruction, they put local economies in serious crisis. A comprehensive strategy must be put in place before new tragedies occur. The maneuver of the Meloni government is now in Parliament, there are certainly many priorities such as the increase in energy costs. But soil protection must necessarily be placed at the top of the political agenda”.

“Hydrogeological instability and the protection of the territory – he concluded Paolo Longoni, director of the Cnpr – is an extremely delicate subject. Unanimous declarations of good intentions do not seem to correspond to adequate practice. In the Budget Law, for example, the funds for the construction of the Italian geological map were eliminated, leaving the great mapping project of the entire national territory half-finished. One of the cornerstones on which to build a strategy worthy of the needs we have is missing. We need to focus on prevention. We often operate in extraordinary conditions and we don’t have the possibility to think about what needs to be done and what has been done. The urgent need to monitor and protect our territory remains”.
