CNN: The majority of Americans do not accept Trump’s activities at the beginning of the season Brief news

The survey was conducted only a few days before Trump gives his first speech to the US Congress on Tuesday.

In the United States of citizens’ views Donald Trump From the beginning of the presidential period are more negative than positive From a recent survey of CNN.

According to the survey, more Americans believe that Trump’s politics will take the country in the wrong direction (45 %) than the right (39 %).

The CNN survey was conducted only a few days before Trump gives his first speech to the US Congress on Tuesday.

According to the results, 52 % of the US do not accept Trump’s activities in the first few weeks of their presidential period, while 48 % accept it. According to CNN, the figures correspond to the results of the survey conducted in mid -February.

According to the survey, Trump is still widely popular among Republicans; 90 % of them accept his or her actions. On the other hand, he is unpopular among the Democrats, as according to the survey, 90 % of Democrats do not accept Trump’s activities.

On the other hand, 59 % of non -attached voters do not accept Trump’s activities in the first weeks of the season. This percentage has risen from the beginning of February, with a corresponding figure of 56 percent.

CNN’s latest survey was conducted before Friday’s intense exchange of words in the White House Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyin between.
