CNH Industrial, bonus to employees between 1,150 and 1,900 gross euros

CNH Industrial bonus to employees between 1150 and 1900 gross

(Finance) – The production sites of CNH Industrial of Jesi, Lecce, Modena and also personnel not linked to production processes will receive a bonus with the February pay slip, with average gross amounts between approximately 1,150 and 1,900 euros gross, following the “results achieved in terms of productivity, compared of delivery times and product quality”.

This was announced by CNH Industrial during a meeting today with the trade unions, presenting the values ​​of the performance bonus, contractually envisaged, which will be disbursed in February payrolls to all employees of Group companies in Italy to which the Agreement applies.

These values ​​- explains the company in a note – “are commensurate with the performance achieved by each individual production unit during 2022, calculated on the basis of indicators aimed at enhancing the contribution of employees to the achievement of the Company’s competitiveness and profitability objectives” .
