Cnel, Regions Conference: agreement for collaboration on good practices

Cnel Regions Conference agreement for collaboration on good practices

(Finance) – The president of the CNEL, Renato Brunetta, and the president of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, Massimiliano Fedriga, have signed a memorandum of understanding in various areas: regional good practices, young people and sport, reintegration of prisoners, international cooperation.

The protocol – states the note sent – is aimed, among other things, at enhancing the collaboration between the two bodies for the promotion of studies, research and in-depth analysis with specific reference to areas jointly considered priorities. Among the objectives is that of enhance the excellence of regional public administrations in the different types of services aimed at citizens and businesses, also providing a special prize for good practices at regional level.

Then there is the objective, in line with the agreement between Cnel and the Minister for Sport and Youth, of encourage the participation of new generations to local decision-making processes, as well as promoting their better quality of life through sporting activity. Another theme is the social reintegration of prisoners. With reference to the agreement signed by the CNEL with the Ministry of Justice, the structuring of an organizational model spread across the national territory is envisaged to fuel the re-educational value of the sentence and to give centrality to the training/work path, as a tool for combating and preventing the phenomenon of relapse.

As for the management of migratory flows, the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces will ensure its participation in the ONC (National Body for the Coordination of Foreigner Integration Policies), established at the Cnel. Finally, with reference to the agreement signed between Cnel and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, issues relating to the economy and work will be addressed with respect to relations between EU member countries, relations with the southern shore of the Mediterranean , as well as policies for Italians abroad.

“The agreement with the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces – he declares Brunette – makes me particularly happy, because it allows us to strengthen our action in a territorial dimension. The intermediate bodies, which have their representation in the CNEL, are social fabrics articulated across the territories and it is therefore essential to be able to activate and enhance every node, every branch of this vast and rich network. Today’s agreement will give us great help in this regard. All my thanks, therefore, to Massimiliano Fedriga for this collaboration, which will be good for the CNEL, will be good for the Regions and Autonomous Provinces and will be good for the country”.

“A new phase is opening in the relations between the CNEL and the Conference of the Regions, – he declares Massimiliano Fedriga – of building and sharing a whole series of projects. Highlighted is the communication on regional excellence and good practices that enhance the offer of services affecting the territory. We thus share a concrete model of the future, of civil and inter-institutional participation to be developed also on the issues of work and integration, better European cooperation and international relations”.
