Cna: Fourth consecutive decline in business confidence

Finance Commission incremental flat tax for concordat

(Finance) – “The fourth consecutive decline in business confidence of the companies registered by theIstat It worries us but does not surprise us. It reflects the opinions of our members with whom we are in daily contact”. This is what we read in a press release from CNA.

“The uncertainties – we read in the note – linked to the geopolitical framework at international level and the failure to really restart domestic consumption they do not provide the right stimuli at the system level. In the South, to aggravate the ‘feeling’ entrepreneurial, it adds theinsufficiency of resources allocated for the tax credit in favor of companies located in the single Zes to promote investments”.

“The construction sector – adds CNA – contributes to making theon a negative balance: still discounts the mess on the building bonuses, which continue to have an unfavorable impact on the activities and expectations of companies. Above all, it is the trend of credit is worryingOn the one hand, a persistent negative trend in lending to businesses, also due to the drop in demand dictated by distrust. On the other hand rates remained high – concludes the note – they slow down any possible intentions of families purchasing real estate through mortgages”.
