(Finance) – Complete the implementation of the Law on Made in Italy For enhance the artistic craftsmanship. It is the request of the CNA presented on the occasion of the conference “Handmade in Italy, roots and innovation between culture and project“which took place today at the National CNA Auditorium, promoted by the artistic and traditional CNA in which the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture participated, among others, Lucia Borgonzonithe president of CNA artistic and traditional, Elena Balsamini, and the national president of CNA, Dario Costantini.
He said Lucia Borgonzoni, Undersecretary for Culture: “I thank the organizers of the event for this opportunity for comparison and reflection on‘strategic importance of companies in the cultural and creative supply chainso decisive for the growth of the country. For the Ministry, using each tool available to support it and also promote it internationally represents an absolute priority. In fact, we believe that consolidating the sector means recognizing the talent and creativity of the craftsmen and artists who operate there, who are custodians of the extraordinary cultural background expression of our territories and the traditions that characterize them, true masters whose realizations merge ancient skills and a sense of experimentation “. The senator continues:” I press here to underline how So far we have worked in full awareness of the value of the supply chain And we will continue on the path taken, alongside cultural and creative companies. Many actions put in place to favor their development, such as those provided for by the PNRR (we financed projects for 155 million euros), by the National Culture Program 2021-2027 (over 151 million for companies operating in the South) or the recent measures introduced within the Made in Italy law to complete our strategy, including an investment of three million euros for each of the years from 2024 to the years. 2033 “.
“We welcomed the law on Made in Italy – said the President Balsamini -In particular, the definition of Creative Cultural Company and the creation of a dedicated section in the Business Register “https://www.Finance.it/DetaglionOws/127_2025-03-11_TLB/.” Wait two other implementing decrees – he added – to define the national strategic plan and for the disbursement of contributions equal to 3 million a year to enhance Made in Italy “.
The Cna Costantini President He underlined the historical role of artistic crafts, from the Renaissance shops to the Made in Italy brand, “feeding a habit of beauty and well -made that represents the fundamental engine for a quality economy. synergy between institutions and craftsmen – he concluded – It is the key to giving a perspective to the Italian handmade enhancing quality and creativity “.