Clue point: Mélenchon promises a 10% increase! and Macron?

Clue point Melenchon promises a 10 increase and Macron

INDEX POINT INCREASE. The amount of the index point for civil servants will increase in 2022. What revaluation? When ? What do Mélenchon and Macron offer? We tell you everything.

[Mis à jour le 17 juin 2022 à 08h06] The index point makes it possible to calculate the amount of the gross salary of civil servants. To do this, simply multiply the index point by the number of points awarded to the public official. And precisely, this index point is going to be upgraded in 2022 ! No precise amount has yet been advanced by the government. However, the announcement of the Purchasing Power Bill which should enact the unfreezing of the index point is delayed from June 29 to July 6 next. As a reminder, the last thaw of this index point dates back to February 2017 under Francois Hollande. At the time, no thaw had taken place since 2010.

The lack of candidates for the last teacher competition had the merit of moving the lines concerning the index point. The job attracts less, and the public service finds itself in a delicate situation, with a cruel lack of personnel. Remuneration is one of the explanations, this is why the index point lever will be activated in 2022. A short distance from the second round of the legislative elections, it is one of the themes very followed, in the camp of the majority as in the Nupes, the new union of the left headed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. This is why, in his social emergency plan, Jean-Luc Mélenchon declared that he wanted to increase 10% the index point of officials! A costed proposal to 12 billion euros. Also, the leader of the Insoumis announced his desire to establish 800 000 public service contracts.

The unfreezing of the index point, which serves as the basis for the calculation of public officials, will be part of the purchasing power bill, as announced by the Minister of Transformation and the Civil Service, Stanislas Guerini on June 6 last at the microphone of France Info. As since its introduction, the index point must take inflation into account to allow the salaries of civil servants to follow the evolution of the rise in consumer prices (5.2% inflation in May 2022 on a year). Problem, this clue point was frozen between 2010 and 2017. A thaw took place under François Hollande, the index point then increased by 0.6% on July 1, 2016 and 0.6% again on February 1, 2017. Since then, there has been no change in the index point.

On the side of the unions of civil servants, the increase claimed is of the order of 10%, in particular on the side of the CGT. On the one hand, to compensate for the harmful effects of inflation, but also to compensate for the losses of civil servants linked to the freezing of the point in 2010. As for the increase in pensions, indexation to inflation with retroactive effect January 1 is required. The increase which should take place on July 1, 2022 is not yet known.

The amount of the civil service index point has been completely frozen since 2017. Indeed, for more than 5 years, no general increase in the remuneration of public officials has taken place. Only a few categorical increases have been implemented by Emmanuel Macron since his election as President of the Republic in 2017. For the time being, the value of this index point is €4.68. In other words, an annual treatment value of €5,623.23.

The value of the index point amounts to €4.68602 since February 1, 2017 for an annual salary value of €5,623.23. Note that this figure has been rising steadily since March 1, 1995.

The thaw of the index point seems essential for a profession that is suffering from its reputation, and which is unable to recruit enough. In addition, some public officials have not benefited from the categorical measures taken by Emmanuel Macron. The Head of State preferring more general revaluation measures, before changing his mind recently on this famous index point.
