Cloud computing training: how to master Microsoft Azure?

Cloud computing training how to master Microsoft Azure

Hybrid work processes, with the standardization of full-time or part-time telework, not to mention the need to save some money on IT infrastructure, have given cloud computing a considerable boost. What are we talking about and how to train on Microsoft Azure?

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Technology ” cloud computing » consists of accessing resources online and stored on servers remote without having to install data center or servers on site. In addition to being practical, this solution is an alternative to reduce costs and to take advantage of an almost limitless scalability.

Zoom on Azure, the Microsoft solution

Since 2010, Microsoft offers a platform that brings together IT solutions open-source and proprietary software made available by third-party companies. In practice, Microsoft Azure offers in its catalog the possibility of creating, testing and deploying apps or services which can then be offered to other companies, administrations or individuals. To facilitate these processes, the technology of virtualization allows you to execute commands or queries remotely without having any software physically installed on the workstation.

The advantage of these PaaS (platform as a service) and IaaS (infrastructure as a service) is that the developers have access to modern, scalable technologies without having to worry about security since it is directly managed by Microsoft. This is a mode of operation that gives the opportunity to focus on productivity and the real business of the company, without having to focus on the installation, maintenance and securing of a structure. physical (servers, data centers, etc.).

What does Azure concretely offer?

It would be difficult to summarize in just a few words the immensity of the possibilities offered by Microsoft Azure. But we play the game all the same by summarizing the different services available.

  • The storage on data base : Microsoft Azure offers storage, backup and data recovery to adapt to the needs of the companies that use this service.
  • The provision of tools to develop desktop applications and mobiles in particular by using virtual machines.
  • Containers which are actually packaged environments capable of running applications and keeping all the components necessary for their operation.
  • the machine learning which allows companies that so wish to make predictions and implement algorithms to automate tasks within the framework of their activity, for example.

As it is one of the most popular and widespread clouds, having such a technical background would make the difference whether it is to build skills, to seek a first job or to consider a professional retraining. Mastering the Microsoft cloud would be an opportunity to give a real momentum to your career since today many companies of all sizes use it (or are considering it) not to mention large companies such as SiemensSociété Générale and Franprix.

In May 2021, the market research expert of the digital Markess published in its report eloquent information on cloud computing trends for 2021 through 2025: “ the Cloud now accounts for more than 25% of digital software and services “.

About Datascientest Azure Training

It’s a safe bet that the revenues generated by Microsoft Azure will increase in the coming years, as cloud computing has comfortably interfered and installed itself in the strategies of many companies around the world. Measuring the reach that Microsoft Azure will have in matter of professional skills, the Datascientest training platform has taken the lead in addressing people who wish train in cloud computing on Microsoft Azure.

This intensive Azure training spans five days and has the advantage of alternating masterclasses and individual coaching. The learning objectives range from the design of pipelines up to the optimization of data management, without forgetting a section on datasets and data security.

  • All of these achievements will give you the necessary knowledge to compete in certificates Microsoft official.
  • Datascientest is affiliated with the program Microsoft Learning Partner » and all the participants have the status of Microsoft Certified Trainer.
  • Be careful however, since many IT solutions are available in English, it is important to have a fairly good language level. The mastery of SQL and of Python will also be a prerequisite to access this training session.

What is the Microsoft Learning Partner Program?

Signing up for an Azure training session delivered by a Microsoft Learning partner guarantees you a learning that meets the requirements set by Microsoft. As the American multinational explains in its documentation, theaffiliate Microsoft’s Learning Partner program gives an additional dimension to the career of trainer while participating in the deployment of the Azure solution to professionals.

From the learners’ point of view, it is an opportunity to be accompanied by technical experts who have a strong knowledge of all theecosystem Microsoft to help you achieve your business goals.

Article produced in partnership with Datascientest

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