Cloetta must destroy 850 tonnes of chocolate – after the cancer alarm

Cloetta must destroy 850 tonnes of chocolate after the

These include Kexchoklad, Sportlunch and Polly. Cloetta received information about contaminated palm oil before the chocolate hit the market and the goods were stopped in the company’s warehouse.


The chocolate king’s million salary – that’s how much Cloetta’s CEO earns

Cloetta will destroy 850 tons of chocolate

The company has its headquarters for commercial operations in Malmö, and the matter therefore landed on the table of the city of Malmö.

— Cloetta has carried out an investigation ourselves and after dialogue we have concluded that it is not possible to rule out health risks. Therefore, they have concluded that it should be destroyed, says Arvid Nordlund at the environmental administration in Malmö, to SVT.

Cloetta is now investigating how to destroy the chocolate.


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