Climate cooperation ends between China and the United States – the reason is the Taiwan dispute

Climate cooperation ends between China and the United States

According to China, the United States must correct its mistakes in order to find a solution to the Taiwan dispute.

18:41•Updated 19:29

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Friday that it will end cooperation with the United States in several different areas.

For example, China no longer intends to continue discussions on climate issues, dialogue between high-level military commanders of the armed forces, and cooperation to prevent international crime.

In addition, cooperation in shipping, migration and drug fight will be stopped.

China decided to end cooperation in protest to the speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi for a visit to Taiwan.

The US considers China’s actions irresponsible and provocative

In China’s view, the solution to the Taiwan crisis requires the US to admit it made a mistake and correct it.

The United States has repeatedly stated during Pelosi’s visit that there have been no changes in the US’s Taiwan policy.

Spokesperson for the National Security Council John Kirby reported that the US summoned the Chinese ambassador for a hearing because of the military operation initiated by China.

According to the White House, the military exercise started by China near Taiwan is intended to act as a provocation.

– We condemn China’s military operation. It is irresponsible and disrupts the realization of peace in the Taiwan Strait, Kirby said.

On Friday, Chinese ships and aircraft continued their operations around Taiwan.

According to Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense, by 5 p.m. local time on Friday, 68 Chinese aircraft and 13 Chinese warships had already crossed the center line of the Taiwan Strait.

Both the United States and Taiwan have condemned China’s actions. Taiwan calls China’s operation harassment.

China has announced that the military exercise it is organizing around Taiwan will last until noon on Sunday.
