Climate change seems cautiously positive for the sand lizard on the Heuvelrug: “You see them more and more, but it takes some searching”

Climate change seems cautiously positive for the sand lizard on

“Whoa, stop, yes, this is it…!” Pascal dives into the sand next to a heath and grabs his camera. In the sand, a creature not much bigger than a pebble hops back and forth. Any ordinary walker would absolutely not look at or look back, but this tiny jumping animal is the one-spotdedikkopmoth. Super rare, according to Pascal, but that may also be because ‘there are very few idiots like me who photograph them’. It is therefore an unremarkable, greyish and above all picky moth, which likes to breed near a clump of heather that has been blown over by drifting sand. But then only with a clump of heather that has been blown over by drifting sand. “Its biotope is quite specific, yes.” Pascal takes a picture and beams. According to him, the thrill of finding feels just like winning a tough game of chess. “This will make my day.”
