Climate change, missing the challenge could cost 178 trillion dollars

Latam will be Zero Carbon in 2050

(Finance) – Climate change could have a cost of 178 trillion dollars over the next fifty years. This is what emerges from Deloitte’s Global Turning Point Report 2022, according to which the average annual loss of GDP would settle at -7.6% in 2070 compared to a scenario not affected by climate change.

In reverse, resolute action to tackle the phenomenon and rapidly accelerate the decarbonization process could generate up to $ 43 trillion in additional benefits over the next five decades. The answers for initiating an effective ecological transition are the development of new technologies and the reorientation of capital flows.

“A change in lifestyles, consumption and production – says Stefano Pareglio, Independent Senior Advisor of Deloitte – combined with a reorientation of capital flows and a massive use of new technologies, are fundamental elements for maintaining the temperature increase. terrestrial average within 1.5 ° C at the end of the century, a goal still achievable if we act with determination right now. Finance and technology represent, in fact, decisive levers to support lasting and widespread change, which would also represent an extraordinary opportunity for economic growth and of development for new industries and areas of the planet “.

According to the report, they are four key elements on which to act to promote decarbonization at a global level: the cooperation between the public and private sectors; investments by businesses and governments to promote structural changes in the global economy; the commitment, in each geographical area, a manage the respective “turning points”, that is, when the benefits of the transition to carbon neutrality outweigh the corresponding costs; on the basis of the relative turning point, the local economic and social systems must promoting a more sustainable futurethat is, a decarbonized economy capable of growing at higher rates than an equivalent carbon-intensive economy.

(Photo: stockwerkfotodesign | 123RF)
