climate activists demonstrate for a Russian gas and oil embargo

climate activists demonstrate for a Russian gas and oil embargo

This Monday opens in Brussels an extraordinary European Summit. On the program, there is Ukraine, energy and defence. Europeans want to reduce their energy dependence on Russia. The young people of Fridays for future are calling for a total embargo on Russian gas and oil. They demonstrated Sunday evening in Brussels.

With our correspondent in Brussels, Laxmi Lota

A sunflower in hand, dozens of European activists shout “embargo” in the direction of the Council building. The flower is the symbol of resistance in Ukraine. Among the protesters is Adelaïde Charlier, the young Belgian behind the country’s climate marches.

We really see that our dependence on fossil fuels completely blocks the European Union from being able to make good decisions. So, yes, the priority is energy sobriety and then the transition to renewable energies that we should have started even well before I was born. “, she believes.

Misunderstanding of the European position

These young people do not understand the European position: countries that help Ukraine, but at the same time buy gas and oil from Russia. ” It’s really ironic because Europe supports Ukrainian refugees, but it gives a lot of money to Putin, to Russia, to finance this war. “says Mia Vladic, who is from Croatia.

The European Commissioner for the Internal Market estimates the purchase of hydrocarbons from Russia at 800 million euros per day. This Monday, the demonstrators will return with their loudspeakers to be heard by heads of state.

►Also read: Russian gas: the delicate quest for a common position within the European Union
