Clima, Fridays For Future: initiatives in Italy and Europe

Clima Fridays For Future initiatives in Italy and Europe

(Finance) – Fridays for Future, Greta Thunberg’s young environmentalist movement is warming up its engines in view of the global climate strike on October 6th and is organizing a global climate action day in various cities in Europe and Italy today.

In particular, in Italy they are initiatives planned in Bergamo (bike strike in Piazza Treviglio at 9am), Catania (Piazza Università at 5pm), Gorizia (protesters will join the movement in Ljubljana), Bari, Rome (Piazza Sauli at 4pm), Pisa, Turin (Piazza Palazzo di Città 3pm), Palermo (piazza Croci 5.30pm), Milan (Darsena 5pm), Val Tiberina (via Nicolò Addinti 55 5.30pm) and in other cities.

Italy is at a new chapter in climate history – we read on the Fff Italia website: heat waves, trees uprooted by the wind, hailstones like tennis balls and floods. The main cause of the increase in temperatures, and consequently of extreme climate phenomena, are fossil fuels, in which Italy continues to invest extensively”.

Among other things, according to the environmentalist organization, with the Mattei plan “the government binds the country to the fossil and condemns it to increasingly frequent and intense extreme events”
