Cleverly exploiting the natural evaporation of water, and devoid of refrigerant gas, this innovative air conditioner combines energy efficiency and respect for the environment. Plus, it was designed by a French company!

Cleverly exploiting the natural evaporation of water and devoid of

Cleverly exploiting the natural evaporation of water, and devoid of refrigerant gas, this innovative air conditioner combines energy efficiency and respect for the environment. Plus, it was designed by a French company!

Imagine an air conditioning system that keeps you cool while consuming much less electricity than traditional models and without warming the planet. This is exactly what the French start-up Caeli Énergie offers with its revolutionary adiabatic air conditioner. Using the evaporation of water to cool the air, this new system offers an ecological and economical alternative to traditional air conditioners.

The operating principle of the Caeli Énergie air conditioner is simple, but ingenious. It relies on adiabatic dew point cooling, a natural method where water changes from a liquid to a gaseous state thereby absorbing heat and producing cool air. This technology, developed by Rémi Pérony, co-founder and CEO of Caeli Énergie, allows the air to be cooled while consuming up to five times less energy than a traditional air conditioner.

More environmentally friendly than traditional devices, the Caeli Énergie air conditioner does not use refrigerant gas that is harmful to the ozone layer and contributes to global warming. Additionally, it is made from recycled and recyclable materials, reducing its carbon footprint by 80% over its entire life cycle.

© Caeli Energy

This air conditioner has a cooling capacity of around 2 kW and a coefficient of performance (COP) four times higher than that of traditional models. More efficient, it consumes much less electricity to produce the same amount of freshness. In other words, it is possible to stay cool all summer without fearing a drastic increase in the electricity bill.

The icing on the cake is that the Caeli Énergie air conditioner stands out for its original design, both elegant and compact. It fits easily into different types of environments, whether homes, apartments or offices. With a capacity to cool spaces ranging from 20 to 40 m², it is ideal for most domestic and professional needs.

Caeli Énergie recently raised funds to expand its production and prepare for the launch of this air conditioner on the market. The price of this innovative device, including installation, is between €2,500 and €3,200, which may seem high at first glance. However, the savings on electricity bills, combined with the sustainability and reduced environmental impact, make it a wise long-term investment. By opting for an innovative solution like Caeli Énergie, you can not only reduce your energy bill and your carbon footprint, but also contribute to a more sustainable future for the planet.
