Clementine Galey, Creator of ‘Bliss Stories’ and Queen of the Motherhood Podcast

Clementine Galey Creator of Bliss Stories and Queen of the

Clémentine Galey launched “Bliss Stories” five years ago, which made this podcaster a reference on the subject of motherhood. A success such as his podcast has been adapted into a show that sells out every performance.

Clémentine Galey has a lot to tell. At 44, with her laughing voice, the creator of the podcast Bliss Stories » has easy familiarity and knows how to put her interlocutors at ease, which is good when you host, like her, each week, one of the most listened to podcasts in France.

For five years, this mother of two children has given the floor to women to collect their confidences on how they experienced their pregnancies. It was when her little sister got pregnant and she started asking her a lot of questions about her pregnancies and deliveries that Clémentine had the idea of ​​creating “ Bliss Stories ». ” She told me, if you hadn’t told me, who would have told me all that, all behind the scenes that my gynecologist or my childbirth preparation courses don’t tell me. This sentence, she really did “tilt”. I said to myself yes, it’s true, nobody tells us the truth and women arrive in the delivery room without really knowing what is going to happen. “, she recalls.

The idea of ​​a podcast for tell the intimate “then germinates in his head. At the time, Clémentine was casting director for TF1 and she was working on a new program around midwives. She then plunged back into the world of motherhood seven and five years after her two pregnancies and decided to embark on the creation of her podcast.

Scrape off Instagram’s varnish »

In her free time and with the means at hand, she begins by interviewing relatives and asking them about their pregnancies. Quickly, success is at the rendezvous and she decides to leave her job to devote herself exclusively to this podcast. ” It worked right away. The audiences were very strong and I did not immediately realize it, because I was in my daily life. I looked at the figures, but I didn’t really have any element of comparison, explains Clementine. I ended up meeting other podcasters and they were the ones who told me that my audiences were amazing and that I was doing in a month what they were doing in six. “.

Word of mouth is having its effect, in particular because from the first episodes of “Bliss Stories”, Clémentine has alternately testify from ordinary mothers, but also from well-known influencers on social networks. ” They were my best ambassadors. My listeners said to themselves: ah, but in fact, this girl that I follow on Instagram who has a sublime profile with only photos that are too beautiful and babies that are too cute, she pissed off like me. She struggled to get pregnant, she had a traumatic childbirth, she had postpartum depression… All of a sudden, we were telling each other the truth and it was good for everyone. Even famous girls, it did them good to scratch the varnish of Instagram “.

Dizzying audiences

In more than 200 episodes, the podcast addresses dozens of different topics through its guests, all related to maternity: perinatal bereavement, obstetrical violence, postpartum depression, unexpected deliveries… Each month, it receives up to at 500 testimonial proposals, the starting theme therefore seems inexhaustible. ” I wouldn’t have enough of a lifetime to interview everyone, would almost apologize the podcaster. You can tell 25 C-section stories, all 25 will be different “.

In five years, audiences have continued to grow. Each month, “ Bliss ” born has accumulated nearly a million plays, making it one of the most listened to podcasts in France. Dizzying figures that allow Clémentine Galey to do what most podcasters dream of doing without succeeding: earning a living thanks to “ Bliss Stories ». The machine is now well established. Beyond the podcast which generates income through partnerships with brands and distribution platforms, Clémentine Galey’s small business, which now employs four people, has diversified by launching “Bliss Bump”, paid audio content designed to support pregnant women at different stages of their pregnancy. For 89.90 euros, you can also treat yourself to the “Bliss Vanity” which contains all the beauty products necessary for ” experience a smoother maternity stay and a peaceful return home can we read on the “Bliss Shop”. Brief, “ Bliss » is a hit and the brand intends to take advantage of it to surf on its notoriety. The interested party herself concedes, the theme of the podcast is “ business generator “.

From podcast to show

But “Bliss stories” takes yet another step that testifies to its incredible popularity when the show producer AEG offers Clémentine Galey to adapt his podcast on stage. ” I would never have had such a crazy idea to transpose such an intimate podcast on stage she laughs. And yet, although reluctant at first, the podcaster ends up being convinced. ” In fact, I was not offered to record an episode on stage, but to write a show around this theme “. She then embarked on writing of a somewhat innovative, somewhat hybrid evening » with the help of a few women whom she has mostly interviewed and who agree to go on stage with her. “ It doesn’t look like anything familiar. It is worth coming to see and experience the trick, assures Clementine Galey. The idea is to celebrate women and motherhood or non-maternity for that matter “.

Like the podcast, the show is a hit. Clémentine and her friends fill the halls almost as fast as the Rolling Stones fill a stadium. Tickets for the first evening at the Trianon sell out in six hours, those for the Olympia on March 8 in one day. The dates in Lille, Lyon, Bordeaux, Nantes, Toulouse and Brussels are complete. Same thing for the last date of the show at the Grand Rex next May 13. In response to demand, a second date was added on May 12 and almost all of the 2 800 seats in the Parisian hall, whose selling prices still start at 35 euros, were sold in the space of 24 hours. A video recording of the show is even planned for it to be subsequently broadcast in the cinema.

In my place and helpful »

For Clémentine, the ransom of fame is now to be recognized by listeners almost everywhere she goes. ” People recognize me in the street, people recognize me on the train, people recognize me in Marrakech in the souk, it’s very strange, she laughs. But that’s no problem for me, because when you do a project like that and you put so much energy into it, it’s so that as many girls as possible will listen to you and more I am stopped in the street, the more it means that I have female listeners, so all the better “.

She, who admits having built the professional life she dreamed of, assures her that she is not tired and the podcast will continue as long as it needs to exist. ” I always feel so much emotion and passion when I interview these women, I always learn things. I feel perfectly in my place and useful “, she says. Clémentine Galey already has other projects. The possibility of a new show is not ruled out, but not confirmed either. She also just launched a new podcast in the galaxy “ Bliss Stories »which she does not, however, run personally. His name is “ break-up » and has separation as its theme. From there to think that it is the logical continuation of motherhood and parenthood, there is only one step that you are left with the choice to take.
