Clément Venturini and Hélène Clauzel champions of France in Bagnoles-de-l’Orne

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The Lyonnais Clément Venturini and the Alsatian, also a specialist in mountain biking, Hélène Clauzel, won the title of elite French cyclo-cross champion, this Sunday January 15, in Bagnoles-de-l’Orne (Normandy). Venturini, 29, added this fifth national title to his list not without difficulty. Fabien Doubey gave him a hard time until the end of the competition when the Rhônalpin released his decisive attack. For Hélène Clauzel, 24, on the other hand, it is her first national title in cyclo-cross, won in the sprint ahead of outgoing champion Line Burquier.

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