Clear: Then E6 will open after the landslide


  • Clear: Then E6 will open after the landslide

    In the second week of July, the E6 past Stenungsund will reopen to traffic, the Swedish Transport Administration announces in a press release.


  • Vårdförbundet withdraws conflict measures

    The healthcare union withdraws the conflict measures that Region Östergötland has assessed as dangerous to society from the announced strike which will come into force on the fourth of June. The region writes this in a press release.

    This comes after negotiations between the Healthcare Association and the region during the week. According to the region, the conflict measures would have meant a danger to people’s lives and health.

  • Agree KU criticism against Pourmokhtari

    Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) is criticized in three cases by the Riksdag’s Constitution Committee (KU).

    It concerns statements about nuclear power and the climate action plan, but also about how the Director General of the Radiation Safety Authority was transferred.

    In five out of 29 reports against the government’s work, KU has found flaws. Three of them are criticisms of Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari.

    Energy and Industry Minister Ebba Busch (KD) was also reported for the proposal on electricity support for companies, Education Minister Mats Persson (L) for how members are appointed to university boards and Infrastructure Minister Andreas Carlson (KD) for the government’s handling of the traffic chaos on the E22.

  • Jackie Arklöv is warned in prison for moping

    Jackie Arklöv, sentenced to life for the murders in Malexander in 1999. Photo: EWA TOURS / TT NEWS AGENCY

    Malexander killer Jackie Arklöv is warned at the prison where he is serving his sentence, reports the news agency Siren.

    According to the warning, he must have asked for new mops. In connection with this, he allegedly raised his voice and questioned the instructions of a female correctional officer. Instead, he is said to have only listened to what a male colleague said.

    Jackie Arklöv denies the accusations.

    He was recently rejected in the Court of Appeal when he applied to have his life sentence commuted to a fixed term.

  • Ivo’s general manager is leaving

    Ivo’s director general Sofia Wallström is leaving her position, the government states in a press release.

    “The government has today made a decision to dismiss Sofia Wallström from the position as director general of the Inspectorate for Care and Care as of September 30, 2024,” it writes.

    Furthermore, they write that it is happening at her own request. She assumed the role of general manager in June 2019.

    The government will shortly begin a recruitment process to appoint a new director general.

  • Region cancels operations – queues will increase

    Region Skåne will have to cancel operations next week due to the Health Care Association’s strike. The region writes this in a press release.

    – Region Skåne is now reducing capacity in order to be able to prioritize necessary and urgent care for those who have the greatest need and to be able to conduct care in a patient-safe manner, says Pia Lundbom, director of health and medical care, Region Skåne.

    The strike is specifically aimed at Skåne University Hospital, but will still affect all hospitals in the region.

    Read more here.

  • The police should discourage drug buyers – with text messages

    The Gothenburg police’s new method is intended to deter drug buyers by sending text messages to the phone numbers stored in confiscated phones. In total, these are thousands of numbers.

  • Record seizure of the drug Tramadol

    Already in May of this year, the Customs Service’s seizure of Tramadol broke a new record.

    In 2022, the Customs Service made a record listing and seized a total of 1,000,587 Tramadol tablets. Up to May 15 this year, a total of 1,018,449 tablets have been seized.

  • A-tractor and car in collision – one to hospital

    Two vehicles collided at 8 o’clock at Östuna outside Knivsta.

    – It appears to be an A-tractor that collided with a light truck, it is a younger driver, says Mikael Hedström, press spokesperson for police region Mitt.

    One of the drivers has been taken by ambulance to hospital for a check-up due to neck pain.

    The police are on the scene and are investigating the accident.

  • Sweden’s economy is growing again

    New Statistics Sweden figures for the Swedish economy. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

    Sweden’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 0.7 percent in the first quarter compared to the previous quarter, according to new figures from Statistics Norway (SCB).

    “GDP growth picked up during the beginning of the year after having developed weaker for a number of quarters in a row,” says Jessica Engdahl, head of section at National Accounts, in a press release.

    In the fourth quarter, GDP was unchanged compared to the previous quarter, according to revised figures.

  • SAS loses three billion

    SAS’s results deteriorated sharply during the second quarter of 2024. The airline loses three billion kroner, reports E24.

    This is shown in the company’s report. Their second quarter covers the period from February to April. In the first quarter, which for the company is from November to January, SAS lost SEK 1 billion.

  • Brå: More were convicted of murder

    More people were convicted in 2023, new statistics from the Crime Prevention Council, Brå, show.

    Compared to the previous year, the number of prosecution decisions on murder increased by 95 decisions, or 44 percent. Compared to 2014, the number of prosecution decisions has increased by 198 decisions, or 178 percent.

    During 2023, the number of sentenced prison months increased by 25 percent.

    Compared to 2014, the number of prison sentences overall has increased by 27 percent and the average sentence by 61 percent, from 8.8 months to 14.2 months.

    – We see that the number of prison sentences, and the amount of time served, began to increase already in 2017, and that the increase was especially strong in 2023. The development is connected with the toughening of sentences that have been implemented in recent years, says Oskar Lindström, statistician at Brå in a statement.

    The statistics from Brå show that the development of prosecution decisions on homicide has gone in the other direction. There, the number of convicted persons decreased by 23 decisions, or 92 percent compared to 2014.

  • Massive effort against virus-spreading robots

    Europol has cracked down on a number of illegal data operations. Illustration. Photo: Peter Hamlin/AP/TT

    The “biggest to date” effort against virus-spreading robots has been carried out by the EU’s police cooperation Europol, the organization announces on its website.

    Europol has cracked down on so-called botnets, networks of robots that spread viruses and other malicious code and programs.

    The crackdown has involved a number of authorities and organizations from, among others, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, Denmark and Ukraine. In concrete terms, the operation resulted in four arrests, one in Armenia and three in Ukraine. Over 100 servers have also been taken down in the US, UK and Germany, among others. In addition, 2,000 domains have been taken over by the judicial system.

    The crackdown is part of Europol’s effort, which goes by the name Operation Endgame, which has not yet ended. Sweden was not included in this part of the effort, according to Europol’s press release.

  • 66 people have died in four days in Rafah

    66 people have died in Rafah in southern Gaza in the last four days, writes Save the Children X.

    Israel’s attack on Rafah, where approximately 1.3 million Palestinians take refuge, has been widely condemned.

    Last Sunday, the city was attacked in an air raid, when 45 people died and 200 were injured. Benjamin Netanyahu called that attack a “tragic mistake” the next day.

  • Man stabbed – taken to hospital

    A man was seriously injured after being stabbed with a sharp object on Södermalm in Stockholm during the night.

    A man in his 20s was arrested in connection with the suspected crime and the incident is being investigated as attempted murder.

    The alarm came in at 01:26.

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  • What address is there a fire in Södermalm? Gone and hope it’s not mine!


    Hello! We don’t have the exact address, but there was a fire near Nytorget in any case. Hope everything went well for you!

  • You should probably double check the stated temperatures in the post about the heat wave in Mexico City.


    Hello Eva! I also thought it appeared like very low record temperatures in Mexico City, when we had 38 degrees in Målilla. But this 34.7 degrees actually seems to be the heat record in Mexico City, writes concurring international media. The fact that it doesn’t get warmer seems to be because the city is located in a valley at a very high altitude.

  • What happened this morning at the Tumba station? Smile someone it looks like a body on the track and the train has stopped for several hours!!


    Hello! There must have been an accident. No crime is suspected.

  • Why did 2 ambulances and 3 police cars with sirens and blue lights just pass by in Vasastaden?


    Hello! There has been an accident at the subway at Odenplan.

  • Have you published anything regarding the authority for psychological defense reporting tv4’s cold facts for the report on SD’s alleged troll factory?


    Hi Alex, we have written about this.

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